My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

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Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » May 15th, 2024, 1:31 pm

The dream stride as the Aboriginals people called it, the real reality in dreams.
As I always say, as long as someone is remembered part of them is still alive, not to mention seeing my dad in the mirror when I look in it sometimes.
I can only strive to be as good a person as him which is very hard since I dislike being around most people.

As for the drugs, we see a lot on drugs, and our mind plays a lot of tricks on us sometimes without drugs even.
My hospital stay showed me a lot about drug effects.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » May 14th, 2024, 8:50 am

With the minuscule knowledge of quantum physics I wonder if seeing them in one’s dreams doesn’t actually create them to some degree. The drug ibogain is supposed to allow one to see their ancestors.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » May 10th, 2024, 2:54 pm

I have been having a lot of dreams lately about my dad, and mom, it's good seeing them like that, but hurts again when waking.
Waking with glued shut eyes from tearing up is a pain also.
People say things get better with time, it might be true for them, but it seems to get harder for me sometimes.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » January 23rd, 2024, 9:32 am

An example of this I believe like when you put two magnets together one way they pull together and the other way they repel each other. It’s my experience that I when a girl and I have been mutually crazy about each other it feels great which I suspect is a feeling from my magnetic sixth sense. When one likes the other and the other doesn’t like the one who is attracted by him or her the feeling is an icky feeling.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » January 23rd, 2024, 7:12 am

Funny you mention magnetism, or magnets, they can affect you also .

Hey, not saying there isn't something, just not likely in most cases, people see a lot that isn't there, and mistake a lot of things.
Our minds see what they want a lot of times, or put meaning into a lot we don't understand.

by Gary Oak » January 23rd, 2024, 12:09 am

I wasn’t on and meds or drugs when I have had my experiences. Two of the times that I have seen something it was right in front of my face and christal clear. What was I clearly feeling at the old abandoned army hospital in Hong Kong during a movie shoot ? Every creature including humans have energy fields and I believe that it’s likely that spirits do as well. I have also posted on at least one thread about our magnetic sixth sense.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » January 22nd, 2024, 10:07 pm

You have people with lack of blood, on major meds, trauma, and not completely awake, they will have all sorts of experiences.
Light is a major one even for people awake, people see mirages in the sky, horizon, and right in front of them.
UFO sightings are bad in some places because city lights reflecting in the sky, light from the sky on the ocean even, or just sand.
Out where my brother worked was real bad, it was farm land looking towards the city, and airfields, people saw ufo's all the time, it is just refraction, reflections.

Isn't the mind just a trickster :teehe:

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » January 22nd, 2024, 4:53 pm

That’s a possible theory that many believe but it isn’t a fact. I’ve had some experiences and have heard some experiences that tell me otherwise though I wouldn’t be surprised if occasionally someone experiences what you have described.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » January 22nd, 2024, 10:59 am

Like I have mentioned, the brain is firing off a lot of neurons, and lack of oxygen you hallucinate.
When I was in the hospital I saw a lot myself, and almost dying a few times I saw stuff.
Even the meds I was given I saw some freaky stuff, a bone witch wanting to eat my soul was one of them.
Also the shadow creatures, I saw those for a good week, it was quite interesting for me trying to figure out why this stuff was happening.
One reason was shadows in the room moving because of time, and lights coming in the room, and from the equipment.
The blue blinking lights was the worst on the monitor, and medicine drip tree.
It did take me time to figure out some of the things I saw, some was meds, some lack of blood, and some hallucinating.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » January 22nd, 2024, 10:33 am

Someone I know very well has had a few after death experiences and didn’t want to come back.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » January 21st, 2024, 3:11 pm

Some of those are bad fakes, some I don't know, but it's sad to see.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » January 19th, 2024, 9:27 am

I also thought after I posted it that the acting was poor and unconvincing. I think it may have been done by some guy whose hobby is trying to do special effects. I am not sure what happens after death. People do lose an ounce at the moment that they pass away. Many believe that the ounce is their spirit leaving their body. I know people who have had out of body experiences including after death experiences who came back to their bodies and while out of body saw what was going on in the room that their body that they had left was. Also I may have had an out of body experience when I was twenty. I asked a Tibetan lama if when he meditates can he get his spirit to leave his body and when he does can he see the spirits painted on the walls of the temple ? And he replied yes. These short videos may be more convincing.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » January 19th, 2024, 7:46 am

Not real, but kind of funny.
That was some really bad acting.

So, a few weeks back my mom gave me a visit.
I had been in bed most of three weeks I guess, and needed ot wash my sheets.
Well had two dreams her nagging me, and even bringing on more sheets that didn't even match for my bed.
Well here it is maybe 3:30 am, i got up, and washed my sheets, my comforter, and fluffed the pillows even.
Shes not been back since, but it shows you that shes still with me, and keeping me on my toes.

The worst part is waking, and they are not there, or realizing in your dream it's just a dream.
I'm thankful of the dreams, but it still hurts when waking.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » January 19th, 2024, 12:30 am

Could this be real ?

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » September 12th, 2023, 12:09 pm

I personally don't believe in ghost, spirits, or a lot of the stuff people do.
There is a rational explanation for most of it.
I have spent a lot of time trying to get past my loved ones deaths, and it's hard, but the sounds, and shadows are usually just that.
Floors, houses shrink, and swell, lights makes shadows, air also moves with temps from lights, and heat.
My biggest thing that bothers me is when I'm almost asleep, the mind tricks you a lot.
Even just being alone creates thoughts of something there, or wishing for it.

I have lost many loved ones in my life, it's hard, and all we can do is go on for who we have left.
My anchor is my family, especially the kids which love me so much.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Yong Jessie » September 12th, 2023, 11:05 am

Of note sure seems be a very big P.I. THEME AMONST THE FORUM MEMBERS.

is it just a coincidence or done on purpose?

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Gary Oak » September 11th, 2023, 3:38 pm

I believe that I may have been reached by an old friend who passed away a few days ago in the Philippines. More precisely a photo shared by his son or daughter was visited by her dad’s spirit.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » July 1st, 2023, 8:45 am

I know the feeling, I'm dealing with my moms passing also.
I sent her to the hospital, and she never got to leave there, and yes I blame the hospital as much as myself for sending her there.

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by RDL » June 29th, 2023, 7:44 pm

I just have to remember that I'm still in my first year of dealing with his passing...
The one year anniversary of his passing is coming up on September 26...

Anyway, I'm outside a hotel near the BC Legislature listening to a JazzFest performance...
Then I've got another concert to go to, that one's near the Langley Street toilet...
Then I've got a meeting across from St. Ann's Academy...
Then maybe time to go home, have some dinner, write in my journal, listen to CFAX 1070, then go to bed...

Re: My dad reaching out to me from beyond the grave...

by Blue Frost » June 23rd, 2023, 2:57 pm

I had quite a few dreams of my dad after I lost him, and still do occasionally.
It's good, and bad always, you get to see him, and them realize he is still gone, and it's just a dream.
I think about him, and my mom a lot, so I have more dreams of them I guess, you where likely thinking about him lately, or what he would think of your actions.
Could have been just the rock you found.

Still having someone like a parent in your head, especially a good one is like a conscious other than your own.
Also a person remembered isn't totally gone, part of them are still here with you.
