Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

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Expand view Topic review: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Odinson » July 20th, 2019, 5:24 pm

Women should stay home and take care of the kids..

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by RDL » April 12th, 2017, 9:57 am

Masculine wrote: Women are weaker physically and do not seem as capable in corporate situations. I liked the good old days when women stayed home and actually knew how to cook and watch their children. Now men are better cooks as well as better workers. I often hear about children getting run over while in the care of women or they are allowed to play video games all day so the mothers can lounge. I find it disturbing. What are women really good for other than sex or to look at? Please remind me. Thank you.
I know. My dad has always been the good cook in the family. He makes really good spaghetti.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Blue Frost » September 5th, 2016, 6:53 pm

Mr, Bumpy has been busy :)

Anybody no matter who they are should be paid the same for the same job if it gets done right.
It's simple, if you are not qualified, and have to have someone else help you you really shouldn't have the job to begin with.
i worked with a lot of good hardworking woman, a lot of hard working men, but there was always the sorry ones.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Blue Frost » July 17th, 2016, 8:32 pm

The bigger woman got treated the same as the guys, they noticed the wrong in the job place also when the smaller woman, or pretty ones didn't work as hard.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Blue Frost » December 2nd, 2013, 5:50 pm

Some did that, and even bought some to show off :laugh:
It just makes you mad doing their work, or harder work because they cannot keep up, or even do a job.
I worked in industrial jobs so a lot of times I was picked over woman, and smaller guys.
They got the easy jobs while I broke my back, that would make anyone upset when they needed a good day sometimes.
if doing the same thing as me they deserved the same pay, of not give me a little more.
most places is pretty even in pay, if not it's illegal, but they should do the jobs.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Sebastian » December 2nd, 2013, 5:42 pm

They should at least show lots of cleavage if they can't keep up physically to make it a better environment for those who really do work harder.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Blue Frost » December 2nd, 2013, 5:07 pm

It bothered me at work when having to do more work because a woman couldn't do it while they got the same pay.
I also have to say though when they are doing the same work they deserve just as much.
It's called a fair days work for a fair days wage, and sex doesn't matter.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Sebastian » December 2nd, 2013, 5:06 pm

I had a Finnish friend who blew his brains out because his wife couldn't run a household and he was too weak and tired to work. He was very tall and large and was winded easily as a result. He had a lot of back problems as a result of his size. His wife ended killing herself as well and the kids are now living with black foster parents who hold jobs and run a tight household. The children are so far behind their classmates though.

Re: Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Mescaline » December 2nd, 2013, 5:03 pm

I totally hear you bro. my bitch cant cook worth shit and the kids are always getting into trouble if they aren't playing xbox 360. what has the world come to. It is too bad it is not acceptable to discipline your family like in the good ol days.

Women should get paid way less than they currently get.

by Masculine » December 2nd, 2013, 4:48 pm

Women are weaker physically and do not seem as capable in corporate situations. I liked the good old days when women stayed home and actually knew how to cook and watch their children. Now men are better cooks as well as better workers. I often hear about children getting run over while in the care of women or they are allowed to play video games all day so the mothers can lounge. I find it disturbing. What are women really good for other than sex or to look at? Please remind me. Thank you.
