by RDL » May 28th, 2018, 7:15 pm
This article says that adults age 18 and older spend more than 11 hours each day using electronic devices. ... r-grownups
Now, I feel I've done fairly well by not having a home computer, mobile or wireless device, public library internet access, or college computer access.
But about a week ago, I decided to kick it up another notch by not watching TV in my apartment and switching to radio.
My only screen time will be 1 hour a week on the internet at the internet cafe and about 3 hours a week of TV at my parents' house when I visit them.
I know I can do it

This article says that adults age 18 and older spend more than 11 hours each day using electronic devices.
Now, I feel I've done fairly well by not having a home computer, mobile or wireless device, public library internet access, or college computer access.
But about a week ago, I decided to kick it up another notch by not watching TV in my apartment and switching to radio.
My only screen time will be 1 hour a week on the internet at the internet cafe and about 3 hours a week of TV at my parents' house when I visit them.
I know I can do it :)