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by Gary Oak
August 20th, 2024, 4:09 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Hungarians I believe are a functional first world people that were hampered by being on the wrong side of the iron curtain. Those though was also a blessing as the satanic political correctness hasn't had nearly as much time to turn them into idiots.
by Gary Oak
August 20th, 2024, 4:07 am
Topic: Favourite Youtube Videos
Replies: 10216
Views: 260644

Re: Favourite Youtube Videos

Will chinese lacking quality issues sabatage their EV dreams ? They're selling dollar store weapons to nations. One ruler was going to be deposed by a couple but the militaries chinese weapons didn't work so the coup attempt failed.
by Gary Oak
August 19th, 2024, 5:31 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Great Britain 🇬🇧 needs Nigel Farage to make Britain 🇬🇧 great again.
by Gary Oak
August 18th, 2024, 5:33 pm
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: The Golden Triangle
Replies: 64
Views: 6320

Re: The Golden Triangle

Thanks, I knew that you would have loads of insights. I know a chinese woman being played by a niggerian. He was pretending to be a white American admiral Donovan however he couldn't even come close to spelling Donovan correctly. So he wasn't all that clever a niggerian after all. If that operation ...
by Gary Oak
August 18th, 2024, 1:37 pm
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: Donald Trump The President !
Replies: 505
Views: 28421

Re: Donald Trump The President !

I don't believe that anyone who could build a multi billion dollar company can be called an idiot as I certainly couldn't. I also couldn't fill an arena with a huge cheering crowd like he always does. Sure the mainstream media and all the talk show hosts constantly make fun of him but I'm sure that ...
by Gary Oak
August 18th, 2024, 10:51 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

They've lost Russia and Hungary too. These imports that see their host nation as a country and people to scam need to be deported especially when they are united in efforts to takeover and subjugation their hosts. Do Muslims when they pray not pray for the takeover of their host country and death of ...
by Gary Oak
August 18th, 2024, 10:35 am
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: The Golden Triangle
Replies: 64
Views: 6320

Re: The Golden Triangle

At first when you posted the interesting video on the Cambodian casinos I thought that it should have been posted on the Cambodia thread however they no doubt are in cahoots with that's operation in the Golden Triangle and the operation in Burma just north of the Golden Triangle. I agree that scads ...
by Gary Oak
August 17th, 2024, 3:50 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Attack On Free Speech
Replies: 115
Views: 12826

Re: Attack On Free Speech

I can AOC and the squad backing this but hopefully the American constitution will remain the law of the land in the USA 🇺🇸. Meanwhile of course Muslims can riot and call for the genocide of the Jews and the takeover of whichever country that they're in. Black Lives Matter can riot and torch the ...
by Gary Oak
August 17th, 2024, 3:40 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Has the American election become a battle between good vs evil ? Patriots vs traitors? God fearing vs godless ?
by Gary Oak
August 17th, 2024, 3:30 pm
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: Trudeaumania
Replies: 577
Views: 33765

Re: Trudeaumania

As for the Trudeau video, after 8 million third worlders were flooded in and thousands of them getting free housing, free medical, free dental and free $$$$, plus a million international students many of which are trying to scam citizenship there simply isn't the work, housing, schooling, policing ...
by Gary Oak
August 17th, 2024, 10:51 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

The liberal promoting perversions has worked. The young coworkers are okay with homos and aren't even insulted if you call them one whereas our generation it is fighting words. As for many of the conniving sneaks flooding in to white countries it seems like many of them have no appreciation for ...
by Gary Oak
August 17th, 2024, 6:32 am
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: Donald Trump The President !
Replies: 505
Views: 28421

Re: Donald Trump The President !

Liberals love to self righteously call anyone who takes a stand against what we're supposed to believe a racist. Dementia Joe actually has said many highly racist things and the liberals give him a pass.
by Gary Oak
August 16th, 2024, 5:08 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

People without a conscience want to to live with people with a conscience, horrible people want to live with nice people, crooks want to live with honest people, slea,bags want to live with nice people but the feelings aren't mutual.
by Gary Oak
August 16th, 2024, 12:30 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: ..Guns Guns & More Guns
Replies: 3327
Views: 139635

Re: ..Guns Guns & More Guns

It'sno surprisethatJustinTrudeauCastroisso concerned with taking away legal gun ownersguns eventhoughsurelyhe knows that his term in office is going toend next year. He's sticking around as long as he can to get as much damage done as he can. [ quote="Blue Frost" post_id=205566 time=1723139365 user ...
by Gary Oak
August 16th, 2024, 12:20 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

The 200 page book chronicling SamuelHearns 1770-1772 threejourneys acrossnorthern mainlandcanada was not onlyvery interestingit showed how inhumane the northern natives were, the way they enslaved women, and apparentlythey weren'tnearlyas commonly murdering each other as the prairie indians were ...
by Gary Oak
August 16th, 2024, 12:13 am
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Attack On Free Speech
Replies: 115
Views: 12826

Re: Attack On Free Speech

When is this inquisition going to come after Gary Oaks Corner ? Surely the fact checkers will have a meltdown over the 9/11 thread or the Kennedy thread or this Free Speech thread. I wonder if I started a Paul Watson thread yet 🤔
by Gary Oak
August 14th, 2024, 1:08 am
Forum: Gary Oaks Corner
Topic: Donald Trump The President !
Replies: 505
Views: 28421

Re: Donald Trump The President !

It certainly does look like the deep state ( I'm don't understand what the deep state is so good ) was behind this. I believe that the cia was involved. Did they make the boy feel important and his family to get them involved ? I doubt that they let Crooks know that they would kill the him the ...
by Gary Oak
August 13th, 2024, 10:11 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Article on George Soros
Replies: 104
Views: 13771

Re: Article on George Soros

He's of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage and they are white.
by Gary Oak
August 13th, 2024, 10:09 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Saint Zelensky
Replies: 66
Views: 3427

Re: Saint Zelensky

Saint Zelensky I believe is responsible for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost while he enriched himself. So many orphaned kids. Of course the pope really likes him.
by Gary Oak
August 13th, 2024, 3:28 pm
Forum: Blues Politics, and Stuff
Topic: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed
Replies: 2132
Views: 102330

Re: Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

You know everything that I have to say about this and we agree on everything. These gimmegrants need to be deported when they commit crimes just like we would be if we did those things in another country. Have you watched the last video that I posted on the Golden Triangle thread ?