Here Me Liberal minded people

Political stuff, stuff people love to hate.

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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194499Unread post Gary Oak »

:rofl: :facepalm:
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194501Unread post Blue Frost »

Well if they can make up pseudo science, and say it's real, and you better not question it why not.

Science, and the scientific method is why it's science, it's there to be questioned always by the way, if not it's not science.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194502Unread post Mel Gibson »

Blue Frost wrote: October 10th, 2021, 3:03 am Maybe I should identify as a snapping turtle, or a Tasmanian Devil, wouldn't the animal rights groups have to accept me, and demand protection. :laugh:
Why not, it's based on the same liberal science.
I'm going to identify as a transgendered Black woman! That ought to get me some preferential hiring treatment for a good cushy government job with full benefits! If they tell me I ain't Black, I'll sue for racial discrimination!
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194505Unread post Blue Frost »

I was discriminated against in the late 80s for a state police job because they wanted black woman, and men.
It didn't matter I was more qualified, they gave them preferential treatment, more for black woman over black men even.

Even though I had zero experience, I still was more qualified than a zero experience 5 foot 2 black woman with zero experience.
I aced their physical test, and written I scored quite high in it also, but they gave those woman jobs over me.
So who has been discriminated against, wasn't the blacks since they get preferential treatment.
Even woman in general had preference over men, they got extra points just for gender.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194522Unread post Mel Gibson »

My step-brother had the same issue with RCMP. Recruiter basically told him that while he does qualify, straight White males weren't their preferred candidates at that time.

He ended up doing well in the Armed Forces however, eventually rising to ranks of Military Policeman, but that wasn't his original plan.

But yes, anti-White discrimination is very much a thing, and it will only get worse... Our own government hates us, and that's pretty sad. No point in even having kids these days if you're White, as the future is looking pretty bleak for them.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194525Unread post Blue Frost »

Well I hate the government, but not just for that reason.
It's straight out discrimination, why there was few lawsuits has me puzzled.
I know if I had a lawyer back then, and evidence I could have won a case.
The people giving the test straight out said to each other we need to hire those black woman over the men for quota reasons.
The quota alone is evidence, and the extra points they got for being black woman.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194528Unread post Mel Gibson »

Yup. No different here. All in the name of "employment equity", meaning straight White males need not apply. And since we're straight White males, there's not a whole hell of a lot we can do about it. We don't have any special interest groups to fight for our causes, unlike all the other groups that do...
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194530Unread post Blue Frost »

Not unless you have money, and being you are looking for a job you have little money to give to a good lawyer.
Like I mentioned, even the black males didn't get preference over the black females.
Say a male black man got one point over a black woman on test, she would still get the job by one point I believe.
She gets two more than him, I think it was seven over a white male back then, I could be wrong. Might have been six.

I have to say if I was black I would take offense of always being lowered in intelligence by liberals the way they always do, and always have.
If they don't get it they are.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194533Unread post Mel Gibson »

It makes no sense. Men are underrepresented in, say, the nursing fields... Yet I don't see a push to bring more men into that field, or to lower the standards for men only so that more get hired. Double standards.

Straight White males will just have to get used to being lowest on the totem pole. Best advice I could give them is to become self employed if they can, since they'll be picked last for any decent job at this rate...
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194537Unread post Blue Frost »

Self employed, or find a sugar mama :teehe:

I tried to start up long ago just lawn, and a tree service, but couldn't get the money up for equipment, and insurance.
It's hard to start up with zero backing.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194552Unread post Mel Gibson »

Blue Frost wrote: October 12th, 2021, 3:10 am Self employed, or find a sugar mama :teehe:

I tried to start up long ago just lawn, and a tree service, but couldn't get the money up for equipment, and insurance.
It's hard to start up with zero backing.
I'd love to marry into wealth! Where are all the rich momma's at?
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194557Unread post Blue Frost »

They are likely smarter than most, and know when they are being hustled.
Actually my late uncle found one in a rehab center, but she never married him, just shacked up till she died.
One of the sons screwed him over in the end, and took about everything he was suppose to get.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 194699Unread post Gary Oak »

Vladimir Putin say the wokeness is destroying the west and is evil. ... -the-west-
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Post: # 195731Unread post Gary Oak »

CNN has a new sex scandal. CNN being the political correct liberal woke channel leading the woke charge. Some journalists went undercover. ... uered-cnn/
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 195742Unread post Blue Frost »

Not new, they have a lot of Pedos on the payroll, not the first, or second.
I really don't get it other than they must be low life people, and consider taking advantage of a child as more easy than finding a woman.
Predators much.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 195761Unread post Blue Frost »

Liberal says I'm glad he's gone, liberal goes to buy something they say I'm glad i have to pay out all my money while gritting teeth.
Really Hows sir poopypants working out for you ?


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Post: # 196170Unread post Gary Oak »

Now the woke masses are after the heroes who saved the world from the satanic tyranny of the nazis. ... fd7232ad57
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Post: # 196424Unread post Renee »

Gary Oak wrote: January 8th, 2022, 7:09 am Now the woke masses are after the heroes who saved the world from the satanic tyranny of the nazis. ... fd7232ad57
This is no surprise....Progressive asshats on college campuses have been fostering imaginary social and emotional trauma for half a century.

I saw it going on 25 years ago...The only difference now is that they have a huge audience of incoming, fully indoctrinated, emotionally and intellectually weak, soft, coddled, plebes to radicalize. Independent and critical thinking skills and the knowledge of even the most rudimentary of historical events have been basically wiped out in the lower grades...The typical progressive scumbag that has been masquerading as a so-called "educator" (a cringeworthy label if ever I heard one) in higher education for the past 50 years, now has an infinitely easier job. This is all thanks to the work their counterparts have been doing in the K thu 12 public education system.

It's all by design and if you cannot see it, then you are either part of it, or you are dumber than dirt.
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 196428Unread post Gary Oak »

I see it. It is all by design. A prime example of this is this transvestite nonsense being pushed on kids now. This simply wouldn’t be tolerated before. It would have been regarded as outrageous, disgraceful and a whole lot more similar adjectives. Is it mere coincidence that approximately half of the church of satan’s members are transgender ?
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Re: Here Me Liberal minded people

Post: # 196438Unread post Mel Gibson »

Nah, the West is toast. We're done. We fought the wrong enemy...

Remember, the Third Reich curb stomped left wing Jewish bullshit like we are seeing now.

We can make no more excuses now though, as that time has come and gone...

Excuses don't work... Get used to it, since Americans are taught that Nazi's are bad, Nigs are good, and all will be well...
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