Donald Trump The President !

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Yong Jessie
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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205868Unread post Yong Jessie »

putins a great guy by the way. guess what his approval rating is in russia?

about 88% ive read

i never said im in love of with the HYENA which is what she is called

just that WOW 60 for a lady maybe she even had children or grandchildren that is so far from

being good looking lady anyone any race

so to still look decent at that age is impressive yes i guess part of it the plastic surgery

my oh my thou well actaully cher another old fossil looks amazing for her age she even had ribs removed

but vast majority of them even with all the plastic surgery in the world cant help them

maybe even makes they look worse

anyways your HYENA aint gonna win the next race i bet if this video to be believed

even the black people that voted for obama cause he was black wont be voting for the HYENA as she thinks everything

is a joke and they know usa in some serious deep shit at the moment. now is not the time for jokes

actually fun fact why the fuking hell is a black lady allowed to say the only reason she voted for obama before was cause he was black

what if a white person in usa said the exact same thing. like how this not racist comment and a free pass to the coon?

so trump will win as everyone nots happy and they want chnage from last 4 years

but fact is usa all this bullshit make america great again its over the past was the past

just a fact that the west got to expensive to make anything and the rest of the world has caught up

and amazingly not afraid these chinese electric cars to push the future. was quite shocked to see

floating car/boat and now flying car

oh and at a fraction of the cost of what someone in the west would sell it for

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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205871Unread post Blue Frost »

Just says nobody likes the Giggler.
Well a lot might not, but they will vote for her anyway because shes not bad Orange man, and a Republican.
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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205886Unread post Yong Jessie »

trump going way to far now. what according to trump anyone that not use USD to trade in as ahole and must be punished. i dont ever use the USD to do trade in as live in thailand

i think what he is doing is just telling the voters what they want to hear. go right fuking ahead trump try to punish the whole world for not using USD. he wont do it just like his nonsense wall that never got built

what trump doesnt get and i do believe americans dont get there is no make america great again

every empire came to voilent nasty death spiral to be replaced by some new up and comer

before usa world empire was the uk

and the pound was as high as $4.86 usd to just £1 uk pound

like wtf why do i have to pay a tax to usa every single time i do some transaction that is not in the usa? i dont get it really. like usa demands they get free money for doing nothing

being a bully to the world will backfire. fun fact the brics already has about the same gdp than the entire western world

so all trump will do is make the usa death spiral even faster

what usa should be doing is ending all the unproductuve stuff like trans rights black lives matter

and start innovating and taking it serious

trump no way would be my first choice for a president to led usa back to beter times if was american

elon musk would be but he is not american so can never run for president

trump problably get elected and wont be as bad as biden as what a diaster thats been no laws ever enfored oh and the border but do you really think trump

will make america great again?

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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205889Unread post Blue Frost »

It could backfire, but not a bad move.
With Trump it could improve only if we get the deficit down, and can get energy sufficient again.
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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205920Unread post Yong Jessie »

cant believe i am the 1st one to post on this. and i thought i was late to the party trump lucky again not to be killed. another

secret service fukup. there 100% is 2 tier justice system going on in usa , canada, UK among ohters being too much help for the left

but if you are on the right side you get the minumum only

there was acatully a gun man with scope there already in position on the golf course waiting just 1 hole ahead of trump. had one of

the secret service not seen the gun could be dead already. like wtf how was he even able to get into a waiting perfect spot to

assassinate trump?

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Re: Donald Trump The President !

Post: # 205922Unread post Blue Frost »

I learned about it the day it happened, but not be on much since I have been in bed.
They want him dead badly, and if he gets in again this will not stop.
I read the head of the people in charge in Florida was ordered to remove his anti Trump post before he was given his position.
"Being alone isn't what hurts. It's when the people around you make you feel alone" ~ Naruto Uzumaki, an Anime Character
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