Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 82667Unread post Blue Frost »

That's a lot of lead, but the piston driven aircraft isn't what leaves the trials. The photo shown is from Jet engines, but I'm sure that's more than condensed water vapor as they say it is.
I'm surprised more isn't known about the amount of lead falling on us, and more people demanding it be stopped since the soil, and food we eat is being contaminated as well.

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Floouride Is a Neurotoxin

Post: # 82669Unread post Gary Oak » ... toxin.html

Here is some more information of the neurotoxin fluoride that is put in our toothpastes and water.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 82670Unread post Blue Frost »

Not in my Toothpaste :) I use earthpaste, and it's fluoride free. I'm still looking into a water system for my drinking water, they are expensive.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 82848Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

Not in my toothpaste. I use Tom's fluoride free toothpaste that I get from Safeway.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 82849Unread post Blue Frost »

The more we can get away from the better :)
The bad thing is it's in a lot of canned food, and in my case the water supply.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 82859Unread post Blue Frost »

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Canada Rules Pot Legal In All Forms Now

Post: # 103609Unread post Gary Oak »

Many Canadians enjoy this herbal remedy.

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Rene's Tea Cures Cancer

Post: # 104233Unread post Gary Oak »

I heard about this Rene's Tea curing cancer and the big pharmceutical boys shutting her healing down as it would cut heavily into their multi billion dollar cancer industry from the very nice lady who runs the health juice shop in Hope BC.

The Truth About Essiac

Rene Caisse and her Herbal Cancer Treatment ESSIAC

Authentic, Original Essiac Tea Formula Documentation -- NEWSLETTER LINKS (below)

On a fateful day in 1922 Canadian nurse Rene Caisse happened to notice some scar tissue on the breast of an elderly English woman. The woman said that doctors had diagnosed her with breast cancer years before. However, the woman didn't want to risk surgery nor did she have the money for it.

The English woman had met an old Indian medicine man in the 1890s who told her that he could cure her cancer with an herbal tea. The woman took the medicine man's advice, and consequently she was still alive nearly thirty years later to pass on this herbal remedy to Nurse Caisse.

About a year later, Rene Caisse was walking beside a retired doctor who pointed to a common weed and stated: "Nurse Caisse, if people would use this weed there would be little cancer in the world." Rene later stated: "He told me the name of the plant. It was one of the herbs my patient named as an ingredient of the Indian medicine man's tea!" [I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse] The "weed" was sheep sorrel. In a 1974 letter to Dr. Chester Stock of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, Rene Caisse stated: "Who in the world would ever think to find a solution to cancer in a common meadow?" [THE ESSENCE OF ESSIAC, p. 127]

In 1924 she decided to test the tea on her aunt who had cancer of the stomach and was given about six months to live. Her aunt lived for another 21 years, cancer free.

Rene Caisse (pronounced "Reen Case") later gave the tea to her 72-year old mother who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver, with only days to live. Her mother recovered and lived without cancer for another 18 years.

In the ensuing years Nurse Caisse refined and perfected the original "medicine man's" formula. She tested various herbal combinations on laboratory mice and on human cancer patients. She eventually reduced the tea to four herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel (whole herb including the roots), slippery elm and Turkey rhubarb. She called the formula Essiac, which is her surname spelled backwards. [Read "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse" for more details.]

Rene Caisse devoted over fifty years of her life to treating hundreds of cancer patients with Essiac. So effective were her treatments that in 1938 her supporters gathered 55,000 signatures for a petition, amongst other petitions, to allow Rene Caisse to continue treating cancer patients. A bill was introduced in the Ontario legislature to (allegedly) "authorise Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions therein". Due to the machinations of the medical establishment, the bill failed to pass by just three votes.

However, Rene Caisse made her views known regarding this bill which would set up the "Royal Cancer Commission" to investigate all possible cancer cures. She told the press: "The people of Ontario will be paying a group of men to develop something that was developed and discovered 15 years ago. I have developed and proven a cure right here in Bracebridge, and I am running a clinic where hundreds of cancer sufferers are being treated and helped. Why then should I be asked to give my formula over to a group of doctors who never did anything to earn it?" [CALLING OF AN ANGEL, p. 59.]


Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors. Based on what those doctors saw with their own eyes, eight of them signed a petition to the Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking that Nurse Caisse be given facilities to do independent research on her discovery. Their petition, dated at Toronto on October 27, 1926, read as follows:

To Whom It May Concern:

"We the undersigned believe that the 'Treatment for Cancer' given by Nurse R.M. Caisse can do no harm and that it relieves pain, will reduce the enlargement and will prolong life in hopeless cases. To the best of our knowledge, she has not been given a case to treat until everything in medical and surgical science has been tried without effect and even then she was able to show remarkable beneficial results on those cases at that late stage.

"We would be interested to see her given an opportunity to prove her work in a large way. To the best of our knowledge she has treated all cases free of any charge and has been carrying on this work over the period of the past two years."

Initially, Rene was not aware of the control that the medical/pharmaceutical establishment had over governments. After the petition was delivered to the National Health and Welfare Department, she was continually threatened with arrest until she finally withdrew from public view. Unlike Nurse Caisse, the medical establishment was more interested in making money than in helping people. Essiac was cheap. It could cut into the lucrative profits from radiation, chemotherapy and surgery--treatments that often do more harm than good. Essiac is non-toxic. Rene said, "Chemotherapy should be a criminal offense."

The story of Rene Caisse's struggle to make Essiac an official cancer treatment was told by Dr. Gary Glum in his book CALLING OF AN ANGEL: ESSIAC, NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER. In a telephone conversation Dr. Glum stated that people who take Essiac on a regular, preventive basis do not get cancer. Dr. Glum interviewed JFK's personal physician, Dr. Charles Brusch, who stated: "I know Essiac has curing potential. It can lessen the condition of the individual, control it, and it can cure it." [CALLING OF AN ANGEL, p. 168.]

Dr. Ralph Moss was appointed to the Cancer Advisory Panel that evaluates alternative cancer therapies for the government. On his web site and in his book CANCER THERAPY, Dr. Moss points out that each of the herbs in Essiac has been scientifically shown to contain anticancer substances. In his "Cancer Chronicles" [], Dr. Moss notes Essiac's rising popularity by comparing Essiac's low cost to a $150,000 bone marrow transplant.


Dr. Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin became interested in Essiac and even offered Nurse Caisse research facilities to test it. According to Rene, Dr. Banting stated that "Essiac must actuate the pancreatic gland into normal functioning". Even today diabetics are using Essiac to improve their condition and many have gone off insulin entirely. (For more information on diabetes and Essiac read the Dr. Marijah McCain interview.)

Essiac has become widely known for its remarkable ability to boost the immune system and detoxify the body. Many people who drink Essiac tea regularly report feeling healthier with less incidence of colds and flu. Burdock, for example, has a well-established reputation for detoxification and support of the liver and organs of elimination. To read about additional benefits of Essiac, CLICK HERE to read the interview with Dr. Marijah McCain.


(Arctium lappa)

For centuries burdock root has been regarded as an effective blood purifier that neutralizes and eliminates poisons from the body. Burdock contains a volatile oil--especially in the seeds--that is eliminated through the sweat glands, taking toxins with it and alleviating skin problems. Burdock contains niacin, which is known to eliminate poisons from the body, including radiation. Burdock also supports the bladder, kidney and liver and has been said to dissolve kidney stones. It also contains an abundance of minerals, particularly iron. Studies have shown anti-tumor activity in burdock. Japanese scientists have isolated an antimutagenic property in burdock, which they call the "B factor". The Japanese grow burdock root for food as well as medicine. A memorandum from the World Health Organization revealed that burdock was active against HIV. Extracts of burdock seed have demonstrated potent anti-cancer action against leukemia [HERBAL MEDICINE, HEALING & CANCER by Donald Yance]. Burdock is also a component in the Hoxsey herbal cancer treatment.


(Rumex acetosella)

Rene Caisse isolated sheep sorrel as the main Essiac herb that caused regression of metastasized cancer and reduction of tumors. She used the whole herb including sheep sorrel roots. In fact, she stated that sheep sorrel roots are a necessary part of the formula. In spite of this fact, nearly all Essiac suppliers do not include the roots. CLICK HERE to find out why.

Dr. Ralph Moss points out that sheep sorrel contains aloe emodin, a natural substance that shows significant anti-leukemic activity. Sheep sorrel contains antioxidants, is diuretic and has been used to check hemorrhages. Sheep sorrel is a traditional food of native cultures and is still served in fine restaurants along with other sorrels. CLICK HERE for more information about sheep sorrel.


(Ulmus rubra/fulva)

The inner bark of the slippery elm tree is well-known for its soothing and healing properties. It reduces inflammations such as sore throat, diarrhea and urinary problems. It has been regarded as both a food and medicine. Dr. Moss noted that "slippery elm contains beta-sitosterol and a polysaccharide, both of which have shown [anti-cancer] activity." [CANCER THERAPY, p. 147]


(Rheum palmatum tanguticum)

Turkey Rhubarb has been shown to have anti-tumor activity. It is diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and has been used extensively to relieve constipation. It is medicinally more potent than garden rhubarb root and is more palatable. CLICK HERE for more information about the rhubarb root in Essiac tea.


Due to the ever-increasing popularity of Essiac, numerous entrepreneurs have jumped on the Essiac bandwagon with their own four, six, or eight-herb products. Unfortunately, Rene Caisse was very secretive. She never published the formula and it appears that she experimented with different herbal combinations. Therefore, it is understandable that there would be controversies over who has the correct formula or the best product. Curiously, ESSIAC didn't become a trademark name until two years after Dr. Glum published the Essiac recipe. Yellow dock or garden sorrel is sometimes substituted for sheep sorrel. Imported turkey rhubarb may be irradiated, fumigated or both. So how do you know if you are buying the real, unaltered Essiac?

Many people become confused about Essiac tea after visiting various web sites with conflicting information. Unfortunately, Rene is not alive today to remind people that it's all about "helping suffering humanity", not money. As Rene stated in "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse", "respect and love of our fellow man are more important than riches." Sheila Snow, author of THE ESSENCE OF ESSIAC and co-author of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS and ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, knew Rene Caisse personally and fortunately obtained a great deal of documentation to dispel much of the confusion about Essiac tea. Sheila Snow has passed on the Sheila Snow Essiac archive collection to Mali Klein, author of THE ESSIAC BOOK.

Essiac is truly a multi-cultural phenomenon. So here are the plain, non-commercial facts:

1) Essiac marketers often claim that Essiac is an Ojibwa Indian formula. In "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse" Rene Caisse referred only to "a very old Indian medicine man" without naming any specific tribe. Sheila Snow and Mali Klein have researched this issue extensively from the Essiac Archives and found that "There is absolutely no evidence to support the popular assumption that he was a member of the Ojibwa tribe. There were six different tribes living in Northern Ontario at that time, including Algonquin [Anishinabeg], Cree, Cherokee, Huron, Iroquois and Ojibwa as well as the refugees from other tribes in the United States, who were fleeing north of the border from the Indian wars."

2) Turkey rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) is native to China and Tibet, not northern Ontario, so it appears unlikely that it was a part of the original medicine man's formula of indigenous herbs in the late 1800s. Even today turkey rhubarb has still not established itself as a wild herb of North America [North America was originally called Turtle Island before the European Invasion and subsequent Holocaust]. "The [Turkey] rhubarb rhizome official in the British Pharmacopoeia, 1914, must be collected in China and Thibet. English-grown rhubarb is inferior to the official rhubarb in medicinal qualities."* Even the 1931 edition of A MODERN HERBAL reports that "We still depend upon Northern China and Thibet for Rhubarb."* In Rene's Caisse's "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse" she stated that the original formula came from an "old Indian [who] showed her certain herbs the the wilds of Northern Ontario." Nurse Caisse also used "Rheum officinale" which is often called "Indian rhubarb" because it came from Asia by way of the trade route through India. However, according to Mary McPherson, "Turkish is better" and Rene Caisse switched to Turkey rhubarb because it tastes better. CLICK HERE for more information about "Turkey rhubarb" and "Indian rhubarb".

Since the modern North American diet of over-processed foods can cause chronic constipation which can promote cancer, the addition of rhubarb root in the formula appears to have been a wise one. Herbalists such as Dr. John Christopher and Dr. Bernard Jensen believed that most illnesses are due to unclean colons. Turkey rhubarb is now being grown commercially in North America, and that may very well be due to the ever-increasing popularity of Essiac tea.

[IMPORTANT NOTE: It should be noted that Essiac tea is a mild colon cleanser. In severe cases of constipation and when doing a thorough colon cleanse for serious illnesses other herbs are traditionally used such as cascara sagrada, senna, aloe, ginger, cayenne and garlic. These herbs are often taken in conjunction with a formulation containing clay, charcoal, psyllium seeds, flax seeds, apple pectin, marshmallow root, fennel seed and slippery elm bark in conjunction with colon hydrotherapy. One source for such products is herbalist Dr. Richard Schultze, who received herbal training under both Dr. Christopher and Dr. Jensen.]

3) Burdock and sheep sorrel are not native to North America. It appears that both burdock and sheep sorrel were brought to this continent from Europe by early settlers who then passed on their knowledge of these two herbs to the local tribes. Burdock and sheep sorrel eventually spread throughout North America where water was sufficient. Unfortunately, they are often referred to as invasive "weeds". Rene Caisse indicated that sheep sorrel was one of the original herbs, so it appears that sheep sorrel had migrated to "the wilds of Northern Ontario" before the 1890s. Burdock could have also established itself in Northern Ontario by then.

4) Slippery elm is the only Essiac herb native to North America.

In spite of the numerous, conflicting claims as to what the original Indian "medicine" man's formula was, no one has yet offered any verifiable evidence to settle that issue. Some claim it was a four-herb formula while others claim it was an eight-herb, six or seven-herb formula. Many of these claims state that turkey rhubarb was one of the original herbs, which did not grow "in the wilds of Northern Ontario". Rene Caisse did experiment with a number of herbs and changed the formula through time. It does appear that she gave different Essiac tea formulas to different people to try to find the best one. She also appeared to "thrive on intrigue" to throw people off the trail to guard her secrets. [See THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein]. Therefore, it is easy to see why so many people are marketing different versions of "Essiac" tea, all claiming to have the right one. However, she finally settled on her four-herb formula before she died. This four-herb formula was demonstrated by Rene Caisse and untold cancer patients to be an effective, health-giving remedy that has stood the test of time .

The only person Rene Caisse trusted to help her make Essiac tea was her best friend, Mary McPherson. Mary had worked alongside Rene since the 1930s and knew the formula by heart. According to Dr. Gary Glum, Mary had promised Rene never to reveal the formula to anyone. The Essiac formula might never have made it into the public domain had it not been for Dr. Glum. In 1985 he purchased the formula for $120,000 from one of Rene's former patients.

Dr. Glum could have kept the formula secret and become very wealthy selling bottles of Essiac. However, he unselfishly released the formula into the public domain in 1988. At first he offered the formula on a video tape that he advertised in his book, CALLING OF AN ANGEL, but the feds unlawfully seized the tapes before he could sell very many of them. Dr. Glum gave out the Essiac formula and recipe free of charge to anyone who mailed him a request for the Essiac formula.

When Dr. Glum met Mary McPherson in Bracebridge, Ontario and told her what the Essiac formula was, she was more than a little surprised. According to Dr. Glum, Mary eventually revealed the formula in 1994 because it was no longer a secret, and she wanted to end the controversy over the Essiac formula before she died. Therefore, on December 23, 1994 the "Essiac" formula & recipe was officially entered into the public domain with the recording of Mary McPherson's affidavit.

In "I Was Canada's Canada Nurse" Rene Caisse stated one reason why she wanted to keep the formula secret: "I wanted to establish my remedy, which I called ESSIAC or my name spelled backward, in actual practice and not in a laboratory only. I knew it had no bad side affects, so it could do no harm. I wanted to use it on patients in my own way. And when the time came, I wanted to share in the administration of my own discovery."

Another reason why Rene kept the Essiac formula secret was that she didn't trust people to make it properly and she thought that it would be altered. For example, several years after Dr. Gary Glum published the four-herb Essiac formula, Canadian talk show host Elaine Alexander marketed an eight-herb formula, which included the four herbs that Dr. Glum published. Her marketing campaign proclaimed that Essiac's "new name was Flor
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 104235Unread post Blue Frost »

I didn't read all that but that's an old Indian medicine man cure I think.
Some woman had breast cancer, and he told her how to cure it.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO,

Post: # 104237Unread post Blue Frost »

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Ho To Run GMO's Out Of Your Town

Post: # 106169Unread post Gary Oak »

It's good to see that there are some victories against Monsanto.

3 Examples Of How To Run GMO Crops Out Of Your Town

Monday, July 13, 2015 | 0 comments

By Jefferey Jaxen

The last year has seen more happen in conscious defiance of genetically modified food and its associated chemicals than perhaps the last 20 combined. After a slow start, humanity is awakened, activated and taking no prisoners. There are now blueprints in place from individuals, communities and states to easily follow and replicate on the way to running GMOs and their chemicals out of American communities.

Thanks to the initial trailblazers doing the leg work and absorbing the full force of attacks from challenging monopolistic agrochemical giants, the fruits of their labor are ours to cherish and utilize.

Ron Findley: The Power of Individual Action

Findley is looked upon as an icon in the gardening, permaculture and activist community for his defiance and TED Talk with over 2 million views sharing his experience and wisdom. After Finely illegally planted a small food forest in his Los Angeles 150 x 10 community parkway, he was fined. After repeating the offense the legal system aimed to make an example out of him. This was a mistake that backfired monumentally as Finley is now revered around the world as a symbol of gardening revolution. Carrying a business card reading
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 110291Unread post Gary Oak »

Check out these ten cancer fighting foods. HOpefully this can put a dent in the big pharma cancer industry. ... -longer/2/
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 110294Unread post Blue Frost »

Here you go Gary, this seed seems to be a cure all, and worth trying out.
I have been looking into it for a week now, it seems to help the blood flow, and oxygen absorption as well helping your whole body.

Black Cumin Seed Oil Targets Cancer
Posted on: October 15th, 2014 by emagid No Comments

Cancer is on the fast-track to surpassing heart disease as the No. 1 killer of Americans by 2030. To understand why cancer is on the rise, let’s take a closer look at cancer cells. Cancer cells are able to avoid the body’s immune response, which allows these cells to grow and spread (metastasis). Why does this happen?

Immunity from the Immune System

Well, for one, there are plenty of environmental triggers that activate genes involved in promoting cancer. These triggers include toxins in the air we breathe and in the food we eat. These poisons turn on tumor promoting genes, ignite proinflammatory molecules, and exhaust detoxifying substances in the liver—all of which sets the stage for cancer development. When cancer cells form, they use myriad mechanisms to avoid immune system detection. Cancer cells have cell surface tags that distinguish them from normal cells. These tagged cells are usually destroyed by immune cells; however, if the immune system becomes weakened or overwhelmed, certain cancer cells survive. The cancer cells that escape immunosurveillance continue to divide and grow into tumors; some tumors can metastasize from the original site to distant organs.

Fighting Back With Black Cumin

Yes, cancer cells are evasive and self-renewing. And their ability to metastasize makes cancer even more difficult to treat. Does that mean you are powerless in the face of cancer. Absolutely not! Cancer can be prevented and treated. Through the combination of cancer-fighting nutrients, individuals can create an inhospitable environment for cancer in their bodies.

You may not realize this but most Americans are walking around with dormant cancer. Autopsy studies were conducted using the cadavers of people in their 20s, and researchers discovered that these young people had cancer in their body. Cancer doesn’t develop when symptoms start. No, cancer festers inside of the body for years. And when cancer pops up, symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and pain may not necessarily set off alarms that cancer is the underlying problem. To prevent cancer, researchers are looking more and more into plant-based foods that contain specialized compounds shown to attack cancer: Nigella sativa is one.

N. sativa is a flowering plant that is indigenous to India and the Mediterranean and Middle East regions with medicinal uses for diabetes, migraines, and cancer. The plant’s seeds also called black cumin contain a potent compound called thymoquinone that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The oil extracted from black cumin seeds has been studied extensively, and findings show that it prevents and treats cancer.

Black cumin seed oil has been shown to increase the activity of immune cells that target cancer cells: it increases T-helper cells by 55% and natural killer cells by 30%.¹ Another study finds that black cumin seed oil exerts its anticancer effects by activating tumor suppressor genes, blocking cancer angiogenesis (use of aberrant blood vessels to spread to other tissues), and promoting apoptosis (cancer cell death).²

While black cumin seed oil is just one nutrient, there are many other ways you can fight cancer through your diet. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are packed with anticancer nutrients. Spices such as turmeric attack cancer in over 20 ways. Consume healthy, anti-inflammatory fats such as coconut oil for cooking and olive oil for drizzling over salads.


1. Salem ML. Immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties of the Nigella sativa L. seed. International immunopharmacology. Dec 2005;5(13-14):1749-1770.

2. Rahmani AH, Alzohairy MA, Khan MA, Aly SM. Therapeutic Implications of Black Seed and Its Constituent Thymoquinone in the Prevention of Cancer through Inactivation and Activation of Molecular Pathways. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014;2014.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 111211Unread post Gary Oak »

Here is yet another cure for cancer. I hope I never need any of these cures of course however it is good to know.

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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 118316Unread post Blue Frost »

I'm taking that stuff now Gary, it's helping my inflammation some in my back, and neck.
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 142405Unread post Gary Oak »

This is long but it shows that this poison was NEVER proven safe for human consumption.

Proof Aspartame Was NEVER Proven Safe
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 142415Unread post Blue Frost »

As far back as 1969, but nobody stopped in in the FDA, nice, and more proof they are not working for us.
Speaking of knowing it's bad, my brother in law i have told several times what it does, and how it's bad for weight, and causing diabetes. Well he said he would never stop using it, he likes it that much . :facepalm: Pretty retarded right :facepalm:
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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 142430Unread post Gary Oak »

Though I did quit smoking after my many battles with trying to quit I wouldn't be so hard on your brother inlaw.

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Re: Alternative cancer treatment, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, EMF

Post: # 142450Unread post Blue Frost »

But he don't want to quit it, and has had several surgeries to loose weight, complains all the time about his health, and wont help my sister out which does try.
I just find it sorry, and gotta wonder why my sister deals with him. Nope, he isn't wanted for sure, not by me anyway.

By the way, my tax dollars are paying for that bums upkeep, and i have tried to help them in the past.
"Being alone isn't what hurts. It's when the people around you make you feel alone" ~ Naruto Uzumaki, an Anime Character
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