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Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: October 30th, 2014, 7:24 pm
by Blue Frost
The Democrat party is hating this as well as some prominent race baitors.
These people have about figured it out, many more will if the liberal agenda keeps up, and the free cheese ends.
Free is not free unless you work for it, or for a politician stealing it from you.
The weak conservative base isn't much better if you can call them conservative, but still better than the sickening left.


Video has been deleted likely because liberals got butt hurt about the truth.
Oh, poor liberal feelings, the truth really must hurt them.

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 3rd, 2014, 11:10 pm
by Blue Frost
Total un American, and elitist minded Pan Socialist.
It was known before the elections, you just ignored the facts, or are you like minded ????? Maybe you're the dummy he's speaking of.


Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 10th, 2014, 11:12 am
by Blue Frost
The Dems Lost and It

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 10th, 2014, 6:53 pm
by Renee
The Democratic party right now is chocked full of smug, narcissistic, self-important, elitist assholes. They honestly believe that they have no culpability in the ass kicking they received this past election. it's amazing and I've never seen anything like it in my life. Instead of showing contrition and saying to the American people we get the message they are literally thumbing their noses at the voters.

I wonder if the term "political suicide" means anything to any of them?

That being said the GOP majority had better get on the ball and start rectifying some of the mess Odumbo and company has created or they will lose any chance at the Whitehouse in 2016.

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 10th, 2014, 7:29 pm
by Blue Frost
I doubt the Republicans will loose, it's the norm now 8 years for 8 years.
It fixed I believe.
The republicans make me almost as sick as the socialist do anymore, it still seems someone snipped them how cowardly, and the lack of integrity they have.

The Democrats did not do anything wrong in their view, it's all the peoples fault, or someone else.
One woman even came out thanking the Democrats for trying, and saying their policies was still right.
I have seen several videos of them talking, and it's not any fault of their own.

I think that if they want to do right they should scrap Obamacare all together, and start making a plan that is fair for everyone.
How is it fair for people who lost their care, and more than has been told has, and how is it fair for me to be paying three to four times as much.
My thought is cut out all the government care which is many departments, and just have one, there is a bit much red tape.

The Immigration issue, there is no issue except the federal government not doing their job keeping illegals out.
There is a legal way to come in, and many do.

The stinking budget, stop wasting money giving it away to people who hate us, and cut the generational welfare out.
Stop spending millions on the study of goose mating, what the hell.

Lets see, Gay marriage, no civil union same thing just done by the government.
Whats that to do with running the country anyhow.

Sorry I can go on, any logic is lost in politics.

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 13th, 2014, 12:33 pm
by Blue Frost
This is Obama's view, all his clown Posse think this way, and worse.
What have I been telling you, and others for years, you willingly ignore it, or as stupid as Obama thinks.

Obamacare Architect Exposes Progressive Totalitarianism ... -156422317

Professor Jonathan Gruber of MIT, who designed the Affordable Care Act, used to be the symbol of the Democrats

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 13th, 2014, 1:47 pm
by Blue Frost
Maybe I'm hearing this wrong, he's not calling you Libtards stupid.
Maybe I'm not calling you a Libtard :o

Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: November 13th, 2014, 1:52 pm
by Blue Frost
I'm sure how many of you don't remember Obama's Poster boy for taxes, and taxing the wealthy making $250.000 a year which was really anyone making $15.000 or more.
Well this guy is above all that, he's not wealthy at all, and sure don't make anything close to $250.000.
You all was for him wasn't you, goooood Kool-aid.
I really don't blame him of course, he's just taking advantage of what he paid for with the media, and Obama.
You all fell for it hook line, and sinker.

Funny this is in a liberal socialist mag that sold it.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 6:45 am
by Gary Oak
Here’s a great example of how liberals believe that they can do anything. ... fd7232ad57

Second CNN Sex Scandal: Don Lemon Likely Headed to Court Over Sexually Charged Assault Accusation

By Brett Davis
September 28, 2021 at 2:30pm
A lawsuit brought by bartender Dustin Hice alleging CNN anchor Don Lemon inappropriately touched him in a sexually charged assault more than three years ago is expected to make it to a courtroom early next year, according to a Fox News report.

It is the latest such headache for the network, as last week veteran television news producer Shelley Ross accused CNN host Chris Cuomo of sexually harassing her in 2005 when both worked for ABC News. The host of “Cuomo Prime Time” apologized at the time, according to Shelley, and reiterated his apology to The New York Times last week.

The assault and battery suit against Lemon, 55, who is openly gay, hasn’t made it before a judge due to a lengthy discovery process and the coronavirus pandemic, but Hice’s legal team told Fox News Digital it expects the suit to end up in court around January 2022.

Hice, 40, claims Lemon, anchor of “CNN Tonight,” rubbed his own genitals and then put his fingers into Hice’s face at Murf’s Backstreet Tavern in Sag Harbor, New York, in July 2018.

“At such time, Mr. Lemon, who was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt, put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s moustache under Plaintiff’s nose,” the complaint, filed in Suffolk County Court on Aug. 11, 2019, stated.

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“Mr. Lemon intensely pushed his fingers against Plaintiff’s face under Plaintiff’s nose, forcing Plaintiff’s head to thrust backward as Defendant repeatedly asked Plaintiff ‘Do you like p**** or d***?’ While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into Plaintiff’s face with aggression and hostility.”

George Gounelas, Hice’s former boss, told Fox News last year he witnessed the incident, corroborating his onetime employee’s account of his encounter with Lemon.

“Dustin worked for me as a bartender [and] we went out after work one night. We were standing there and he said, ‘Hey, that’s Don Lemon,’” Gounelas said at the time.

After Lemon allegedly refused Hice’s attempt to get his attention and buy him a drink, Lemon approached Hice and Gounelas sometime later.

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“Don Lemon has now come around the corner and is standing face to face with us. There is a beam, a pole, in the place. Don’s standing up against the pole, face to face with Dustin, I turn around and I’m standing right there between the two of them,” Gounelas said, noting the alleged incident occurred shortly after.

The complaint went on to note Hice stepped outside the bar after being “emotionally devasted by Mr. Lemon’s demeaning unprovoked and offensive assault. Plaintiff and Mr. Gounelas remained outside for approximately 5 to 10 minutes before Plaintiff was able to collect himself and return to Murf’s,” as the incident left Hice “shocked and humiliated.”

According to Hice, a proposed six-figure payment was offered by Lemon before talks broke down, resulting in the lodging of the formal complaint, the Daily Mail reported.

For his part, Lemon has been adamant he did nothing wrong.

On June 3, 2020, Lemon’s attorney, Caroline Polisi, wrote in a court document that her client is “often subjected to racist and homophobic harassment” and “strangers” often approach him in public, at “times intrusively and repeatedly,” as reported last year by Fox News.

Related: Watch: Biden Gives Answer So Unintelligible It Sounds Like He's Speaking a Foreign Language
She called Hice’s allegations “speculative, hypothetical, unsupported by any reasonably methodology” and “not cognizable as a matter of law.”

“The plaintiff in this lawsuit has previously displayed a pattern of contempt for CNN on his social media accounts,” a CNN spokesperson told Mediaite in 2019.

“This claim follows his unsuccessful threats and demands for an exorbitant amount of money from Don Lemon. Don categorically denies these claims and this matter does not merit any further comment at this time.”

An Instagram post from January 2017 allegedly posted by Hice and obtained by the news website showed him posing in front of CNN’s Atlanta headquarters with the caption, “touring the #CNN center today … or as #Trump would say ‘the home of Fake News’ lol.”

The allegations against Lemon and Cuomo follow on the heels of CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin returning to the network this summer, eight months after being suspended for exposing himself during a Zoom call with colleagues at The New Yorker, where he also worked.

The magazine fired him over the incident.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 12:07 pm
by Blue Frost
Como's brother Chris is in the middle of one also I believe.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 2:39 pm
by Renee
Don Lemon is a TDS infected, race hustling, piece of pig shit.

No one deserves to be crucified more. A special place on the 8th circle of Hell awaits that lying donut puncher.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 6:01 pm
by Odinson
He wasnt even that race-baity in 2012.
Look at his old shows.

He even claims that there is no "systemic racism".

Both Obama and Don Lemon lived over 40 years in a racism free America.
2010´s was the turning point.

Opportunistic little shits.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 6:02 pm
by Odinson
And I´m sure there is plenty of shit like that happening in the gay community. :laugh:

A real gold-mine of sexual assault lawsuits. :laugh:

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: September 30th, 2021, 1:30 am
by beanthere

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: February 24th, 2022, 12:09 am
by Gary Oak
Kyle Rittenhouse is charging all libtards who publicly called him a white supremacist or a murderer. That’s going to be a lot of leftards losing $$$$. ... 86682.html

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: February 24th, 2022, 12:09 am
by Gary Oak
Kyle Rittenhouse is charging all libtards who publicly called him a white supremacist or a murderer. That’s going to be a lot of leftards losing $$$$. ... 86682.html

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: February 24th, 2022, 8:38 am
by Blue Frost
I think him, and a lot of others should be charging the Democrat party also, they are who is running the smear campaigns.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 10:54 pm
by Gary Oak
Pay attention liberals, this attractive girl has some truths for you to hide from in this short video.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: July 1st, 2022, 11:33 pm
by Blue Frost
She has quite a few videos with good info, seen her a few times before.

Re: Pay Attention Liberals

Posted: July 2nd, 2022, 12:46 am
by Gary Oak
I didn’t hear one thing that she said that I disagree with.