Political Candidates

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Political Candidates

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Post: # 133214Unread post Blue Frost »

What a sorry quack, never had a real job in his life, sponged off his parents, and tells me I should not want to be rich because i should pay his way.
Yes that's what he is saying. You earn, you pay for the sorry lot wanting him in.

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Post: # 133372Unread post Blue Frost »

:roll: So sorry they didn't want him either.
the only ones who do want him are the sorry ones, and retarded idiots that have no idea what he is.

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Post: # 134596Unread post Blue Frost »

I know why people want him, they are fed up with politicians, and sorry Republican candidates not telling the truth, and a speaking their minds without the political correctness crap.
Trump isn't a Republican though, and just saying what many Republicans, and Democrats really believe.
We need a border, we need to act like Americans again, we need to stop the double standards, the unequal trade deals, and to keep America safe unlike the Traitors in charge now .
The Openness of corruption from Obama, and Hillary, and the weak turn coat "Rhinos" has got to stop that follow along with it.
It's sick how America has become since the hippie generation got in the mix, very sick.

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Post: # 134615Unread post Blue Frost »

Like I keep telling people, he is an 80s style Democrat.
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Post: # 134822Unread post Blue Frost »

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Post: # 135162Unread post Blue Frost »

This guy is nuttier than Mr. Peanut.

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Post: # 135704Unread post Blue Frost »

What do you expect from the Times :kez: or Huffington poet .
They should interview the woman Bill Clinton, and Hillary ruined.
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Post: # 136975Unread post Blue Frost »

Republicans, rights :kez:

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Post: # 140984Unread post Blue Frost »

Uncomfortable truths isn't exactly mean, like stopping immigration fro Syria, and similar places till you can vet in properly.
Closing the border to invaders, and criminals. Calling Rosie O'Donald a pig, well not proper, and an insult to pigs I guess.
:roll: :roll:
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Post: # 143587Unread post Blue Frost »

I have read much more about this guy, he is a bum, and as sorry as it gets.
So lazy he was kicked out of a hippy commune. :wacko: that's bad.

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Post: # 144793Unread post Blue Frost »

This is amazing that a radical racist Muslim black man of his standing comes out against a Democrat candidate.

http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/02/louis ... mon-video/
Louis Farrakhan Compares Hillary To Black Community’s Hitler In Fire And Brimstone Sermon [VIDEO]
Photo of Christian Datoc

Louis Farrakhan railed against Hillary Clinton during a sermon this past Sunday.

The Nation of Islam leader first commended Donald Trump for taking away power from the media.

Farrakhan noted that the Republican nominee had been plastered across the television networks’ election coverage as a means to embarrass him, but that only resulted in free campaign advertising for the Trump campaign.

“You don’t even realize that you [the media] are no longer in power,” he stated. “Can’t you see you’ve failed?”

WATCH (Election comments begin at 2 hr, 19 min):

Farrakhan then turned his focus towards the Democratic nominee.

“My dear brothers and sisters, this is serious,” Farrakhan told his congregation. “Her husband and Joe Biden were the authors of the crime bill that put tens of thousands of black brothers and sisters in prison.”

“Mrs. Clinton backed the crime bill and then called our young people super predators. Of course she apologized, but just a minute. See Hitler could’ve said to the Jews after Auschwitz, ‘I’m so sorry.’ Would that be enough to satisfy you?”

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“Look at this award that she got,” he continued. “In 2009 Hillary Clinton received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. It was Mrs. Sanger who advocated population control of black and poor people.”

“In a 1939 letter, Sanger wrote about getting the black preachers to help with her efforts. She said, ‘we don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.’ … And when Mrs. Clinton received the award, [she said] I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. Her courage. Her tenacity. Her vision.’ Now they have to admit that the war on drugs was a war on black people.”
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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 148986Unread post Gary Oak »

Ben Carson rocks. He would have made an all time great president I believe. Hopefully Trump will be the legendary president that his voters are hoping he will or could be.

Khan Owes Apologies to Trump, the Military, and the Country

Not only should Khan apologize, but also all of the people who spread and continue to spread Khan’s false accusations should apologize

Khan Owes Apologies to Trump, the Military, and the Country
Ron A. Y. Rich image
By Ron A. Y. Rich —— Bio and Archives August 9, 2016

Khizr Khan, the father of the war hero, owes apologies to Donald Trump, to the American military, and to the American people, far more than Trump owes apologies to Khan. This article expands on what the African-American neuroscientist Ben Carson said on CNN, as published in Mediaite
Carson pointed out that Khan slandered Trump, but Carson didn’t elaborate. This article elaborates and supplements what Carson said.

First of all, Khan accused Trump of being anti-Muslim, racist, and anti-women. These allegations were rebutted in many places, including an article that I wrote that was previously published at Canada Free Press
Trump has already refined his proposed policy to screen out potential infiltrators from ISIS and other terrorist groups by TEMPORARILY restricting the inflow of people from countries that have a significant presence of terrorists, so Trump is not opposed to Muslims per se, and evidence he is not opposed to women or African-Americans is also clearly a matter of public record.
Also, as discussed elsewhere, Trump did indeed call Khan’s son a hero, and his only negative comment about any of the Khans was a flippant comment about Khan’s wife that appears to have simply been intended as a dig at the fact that Muslims often keep their women out of the limelight, while Trump respects women’s right to be seen and heard, and gives them more executive jobs than he gives men, contrasted with Hillary’s record of harassing women who accused Bill Clinton of unwanted advances.
Most importantly, as to the accusation that Trump didn’t sacrifice his son, neither did the Clintons serve in the army or sacrifice their daughter; furthermore, Trump’s big mistake was to claim that building an empire was a sacrifice when Trump actually did make sacrifices himself, perhaps even more than Khan the father of the soldier. Khan’s son enlisted; not Khan the father, so the sacrifice was actually that of Khan’s son, not Khan. But even as to Khan’s son, when he enlisted, he didn’t expect to die, although he knew it was a risk (although his heroism later, in battle, is beyond dispute) but when Trump entered the presidential race, he knew for sure he would be sacrificing millions of his own dollars for his public service, he would be sacrificing his time and energy, he would be taking away many hours of himself and his children that would otherwise have been devoted to making money for themselves, and enjoying the life of the rich and the famous, and he put his own life at risk and the lives of his children, who all became targets of hate-mongers as a result of Trump’s candidacy and false accusers, and Trump is sure to lose a lot of business and to find it harder to get permits etc. as a result of the lies against him alleging suddenly that he is a racist etc., when until he ran for office he was considered relatively mainstream, so in sum Trump sacrificed and continues to sacrifice a lot by running for president; these are all clear and certain sacrifices.

Khan the father also had a record of advocating Sharia law in writing, which trumps the Constitution in his mind, so his public advocacy of the Constitution at the Democratic convention may have itself actually been fraudulent. Furthermore, the Constitution allows Congress to regulate immigration, and it has been pointed out elsewhere that ultra-liberal Presidents Roosevelt and Carter were far worse than even Trump as falsely portrayed, by not merely preventing certain non-Americans from entering the country in the time of war, but even interning those who were already here, and Carter even expelled Iranians after a single incident involving Iranians, while Roosevelt prevented Jews from entering the country during World War II even when a boatload reached our shores, and this act of prevention was not a temporary matter (as Trump’s proposal) but a clear and obvious death sentence when the Jews were shipped back to areas controlled by Hitler.
Khan the father has ties to the notoriously anti-democratic Muslim Brotherhood.
Khan the father made a living out of processing the immigration papers of Muslims, so his anti-Trump tirades were tainted by a conflict of interest.
Khan the father worked for a law firm with ties to the Clintons, another conflict of interest.
Khan the father caused many veterans to mistakenly be conned into believing that Trump insulted veterans, when Trump did not, thereby cutting unfairly into a significant segment of Trump’s base.
Because of Khan’s slandering of Trump with all the false accusations referred to above, in the context of the information alluded to above, Khan was a significant factor in Trump’s post-convention slide, which could cost the election to Trump, which would not simply be a loss to Trump, but also a loss to the military, the veterans, and the country, since Clinton has clearly proven she cannot be trusted with national security secrets, let alone national policy; she and Obama can’t be trusted to identify, let alone to fight and root out Islamic radical terrorists effectively;
Not only should Khan apologize, but also all of the people who spread and continue to spread Khan’s false accusations should apologize. If any don’t – and almost all won’t – all Americans should at least consider what Khan said in context, and then adjust their attitudes toward Trump accordingly.
Khizr Khan, the father of the war hero, owes apologies to Donald Trump, to the American military, and to the American people, far more than Trump owes apologies to Khan. This article expands on what the African-American neuroscientist Ben Carson said on CNN, as published in Mediaite
Carson pointed out that Khan slandered Trump, but Carson didn’t elaborate. This article elaborates and supplements what Carson said.

First of all, Khan accused Trump of being anti-Muslim, racist, and anti-women. These allegations were rebutted in many places, including an article that I wrote that was previously published at Canada Free Press
Trump has already refined his proposed policy to screen out potential infiltrators from ISIS and other terrorist groups by TEMPORARILY restricting the inflow of people from countries that have a significant presence of terrorists, so Trump is not opposed to Muslims per se, and evidence he is not opposed to women or African-Americans is also clearly a matter of public record.
Also, as discussed elsewhere, Trump did indeed call Khan’s son a hero, and his only negative comment about any of the Khans was a flippant comment about Khan’s wife that appears to have simply been intended as a dig at the fact that Muslims often keep their women out of the limelight, while Trump respects women’s right to be seen and heard, and gives them more executive jobs than he gives men, contrasted with Hillary’s record of harassing women who accused Bill Clinton of unwanted advances.
Most importantly, as to the accusation that Trump didn’t sacrifice his son, neither did the Clintons serve in the army or sacrifice their daughter; furthermore, Trump’s big mistake was to claim that building an empire was a sacrifice when Trump actually did make sacrifices himself, perhaps even more than Khan the father of the soldier. Khan’s son enlisted; not Khan the father, so the sacrifice was actually that of Khan’s son, not Khan. But even as to Khan’s son, when he enlisted, he didn’t expect to die, although he knew it was a risk (although his heroism later, in battle, is beyond dispute) but when Trump entered the presidential race, he knew for sure he would be sacrificing millions of his own dollars for his public service, he would be sacrificing his time and energy, he would be taking away many hours of himself and his children that would otherwise have been devoted to making money for themselves, and enjoying the life of the rich and the famous, and he put his own life at risk and the lives of his children, who all became targets of hate-mongers as a result of Trump’s candidacy and false accusers, and Trump is sure to lose a lot of business and to find it harder to get permits etc. as a result of the lies against him alleging suddenly that he is a racist etc., when until he ran for office he was considered relatively mainstream, so in sum Trump sacrificed and continues to sacrifice a lot by running for president; these are all clear and certain sacrifices.

Khan the father also had a record of advocating Sharia law in writing, which trumps the Constitution in his mind, so his public advocacy of the Constitution at the Democratic convention may have itself actually been fraudulent. Furthermore, the Constitution allows Congress to regulate immigration, and it has been pointed out elsewhere that ultra-liberal Presidents Roosevelt and Carter were far worse than even Trump as falsely portrayed, by not merely preventing certain non-Americans from entering the country in the time of war, but even interning those who were already here, and Carter even expelled Iranians after a single incident involving Iranians, while Roosevelt prevented Jews from entering the country during World War II even when a boatload reached our shores, and this act of prevention was not a temporary matter (as Trump’s proposal) but a clear and obvious death sentence when the Jews were shipped back to areas controlled by Hitler.
Khan the father has ties to the notoriously anti-democratic Muslim Brotherhood.
Khan the father made a living out of processing the immigration papers of Muslims, so his anti-Trump tirades were tainted by a conflict of interest.
Khan the father worked for a law firm with ties to the Clintons, another conflict of interest.
Khan the father caused many veterans to mistakenly be conned into believing that Trump insulted veterans, when Trump did not, thereby cutting unfairly into a significant segment of Trump’s base.
Because of Khan’s slandering of Trump with all the false accusations referred to above, in the context of the information alluded to above, Khan was a significant factor in Trump’s post-convention slide, which could cost the election to Trump, which would not simply be a loss to Trump, but also a loss to the military, the veterans, and the country, since Clinton has clearly proven she cannot be trusted with national security secrets, let alone national policy; she and Obama can’t be trusted to identify, let alone to fight and root out Islamic radical terrorists effectively;
Hillary would let even more radical Islamic terrorists into America than Obama has done, with a failure to vet them properly coupled with a failure to close all borders effectively; she would give more rights and benefits to criminals than to many law-abiding citizens; America’s military has been depleted during the watches of Obama and Hillary, causing our soldiers to be in greater danger than otherwise when sent to war, and America is generally seen as less trusted than ever by its allies and more coddled than ever by its adversaries. Just mention the countries of Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Turkey, for starters – or non-starters.
Not only should Khan apologize, but also all of the people who spread and continue to spread Khan’s false accusations should apologize. If any don’t – and almost all won’t – all Americans should at least consider what Khan said in context, and then adjust their attitudes toward Trump accordingly.

http://chinawatchcanada.blogspot.ca/201 ... itary.html
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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 148988Unread post Blue Frost »

He wasn't the only one, and not the most notable. You had Hillary saying that stuff, and her, and her husband have done horrible stuff to woman, and children.
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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 193114Unread post Gary Oak »

Well Ben Carson doesn’t appear to be running for president again however this is a very interesting eight minute speech. Killary apparently doesn’t worship God but it was already obvious to me that she is on the dark side.
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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 193132Unread post Blue Frost »

Most communist doesn't worship god, my guess is none do since they want you to worship them, and the state.

I miss Ben, he was a good guy
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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 194588Unread post Blue Frost »

:rofl: Well her ass was handed to her, I'm glad everyone got to speak out.
It's the way it should be.

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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 194884Unread post Blue Frost »

Those racist Republicans just wont stop, done got rid of a white Demonazi in a Demonazi ran state. :woot:
It was fun to watch, and watching the Demonazi keep denying the loss was pathetic, and great.

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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 198050Unread post Blue Frost »

here is one out of the blue :laugh:

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Re: Political Candidates

Post: # 198056Unread post Gary Oak »

Brilliant ! :thumbsup: :laugh:
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