Political Correctness

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 133594Unread post RDL »

Blue Frost wrote:Facebook's owners are hypocrites, there isn't real freedom of speech. They delete a conservative view on Islam, yet let them post a hit on someone.
Facebook is the one site that is absolute poison to me. Too many people there from my past and present. Too much opportunity to screw up real life friendships.

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 133598Unread post Blue Frost »

I closed my account, i didn't use it anyhow. i know people who where friends, and now hate each other, family also.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 133644Unread post Gary Oak »

Who gets to borrow white privilege? This is what happens when an Asian-American cop kills an unarmed African-American


In November 2014, Peter Liang, a New York City police officer, discharged his weapon in a dark stairwell. The bullet ricocheted off of a wall before it hit Akai Gurley in his chest.

Peter Liang is Chinese-American. Akai Gurley is African-American.

As Gurley lay on the ground bleeding to death, Peter Liang, panic stricken, was texting his union representative for guidance about how to proceed after the shooting.

Liang did not render any aid to Gurley.

Two years later, Liang would be convicted of manslaughter. In response, several thousand protesters, most of them Asian-American, gathered at a park near the Brooklyn courthouse. They were upset that Liang was being punished for killing Akai Gurley. Many of them carried signs that read “No Selective Justice” and “One Tragedy, Two Victims.”

A common sentiment uniting Peter Liang’s supporters was that he, an Asian-American, was being “unfairly” punished for killing a black man, when so many white officers had done so without suffering any negative consequences. In essence, this was a demand that justice for Liang required that a perverse and very powerful type of white privilege be fully extended to Asian-Americans as well.

As one person made the case to the New York Times:

“All the policemen have no punishment for all they did,” said Tommy Shi, 30, who lives in Manhattan and works in a restaurant. “Peter Liang is a scapegoat for all this.” He added: “That’s why we stand for Peter Liang.”

Tommy Shi’s wish was granted on April 19, 2016. Peter Liang would receive no prison time for the killing of Akai Gurley. Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson requested a more lenient sentence. In response, Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Danny Chun decided to be merciful.

Once again, a black man has been killed by America’s out-of-control police. The black necropolis in the Age of Obama has one more body to add to its catacombs. Legal murder by an agent of the State will go (relatively) unpunished. This is but one more confirmation of how black life is cheap in America, and why the slogan “black lives matter” is both a demand on justice and power, as well as a much-needed personal and communal affirmation.

Multiple narratives about race and the color line in post-civil-rights-era America intersected in that tragic moment, when in a dark stairwell of a New York City housing project, an Asian-American cop shot to death an innocent and unarmed black man. Race is a biological fiction. It is given meaning and power by society. As such, individuals, elites and communities create “race.” Race is made by a myriad of factors and agents such as the law, politics, economics, popular culture, schools, religion, the news media and the arts. In the United States and the West, race has historically functioned as a convenient way of organizing society by assigning rights and privileges to some groups and individuals while simultaneously denying them to others. And even in an era of supposed “color blindness,” “equality” and “post-racial” politics, race and racism are a type of societal constant that positions those arbitrarily deemed “white” at the top of the socioeconomic and political hierarchy and those marked as “non-white” at various levels below them.

The social and political life of the United States has been oriented around what historians, social scientists and other scholars have described as “the black-white binary.” Whites were/are dominant and privileged; black people, first as human property, and then as “free” people, were/are positioned as subordinate and lacking the same privileges as whites. Other racial groups—Hispanics, Latinos, First Nations and Asians—are positioned relative to these two extremes. If whiteness is a type of privilege and power, and by comparison “blackness” has historically been a source of stigma and oppression, Asians and other non-whites have had to situate themselves between those two poles.

The interactions between black Americans and other people of color have created exciting, productive, rich and powerful moments of exchange and alliances. Hip-hop culture was born from these forces. The “Black and Brown Power” movements of the 1960s were a result of the political synergy created by African-Americans, Latinos, First Nations and other marginalized groups fighting for their full human rights.

These moments of contact between black Americans and East Asians, in particular, have also come with challenges, conflict, and human loss. For example, the “Mississippi Chinese” were laborers and entrepreneurs who often formed families and created a community with African-Americans under the regime of Jim and Jane Crow during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Chinese occupied a liminal space in the Southern racial order and consequently were allowed a marginal degree of upward mobility within America’s Apartheid system. White Southern elites would eventually put an end to this arrangement. Through threats of violence and economic retaliation, many Mississippi Chinese would be forced to abandon their black children, partners, families, friends and colleagues.

During the urban uprisings in the aftermath of the Rodney King decision in 1992, Asian stores and businesses were supposedly targeted by black and brown rioters for looting and destruction. In the same era, New York City and other major American cities would also experience incidents of tension and protest between East and South Asian shopkeepers and black inner-city residents.

In total, these are conflicts between people of color about resources, jobs and political power. These are also the powerful forces that helped to create Peter Liang and Akai Gurley’s fatal encounter, and the largely divergent responses by the Asian-American and black communities to it.

Historically, becoming a police officer is one of the primary ways through which white, male ethnics have found upward class mobility in America. Being a police officer was and is secure work with great benefits. This is why the “wages of whiteness” that came with such jobs are so highly prized and protected to this day.

Police work is also one of the few jobs in America where a person without a college degree can be given a uniform, a gun and the power to commit legal murder. Policing is also political work. In the United States, America’s modern police can trace their origins to the slave patrollers of the antebellum South. The police also represent and enforce the interests of the rich and the powerful over the poor and the working classes. The law is not neutral; by implication, neither are its foot soldiers.

Thus, Peter Liang, a Chinese-American, a man who just wanted a good and secure job as a police officer, joined an organization that is part of a system–what Michelle Alexander has termed the “New Jim Crow”–which systematically discriminates against, harasses and kills black and brown people.

The relative lack of punishment for Peter Liang’s killing of Akai Gurley is not an aberration. It is a feature of a racist and classist law enforcement system that is working exactly as intended.

More than one hundred unarmed black people were killed by America’s police in 2015.

As reported by the Mapping Police Violence project, 37 percent of unarmed people killed by police in 2015 were black, despite black people being only 13 percent of the U.S. population. Unarmed black people were killed at five times the rate of unarmed whites in 2015.

The Washington Post has compiled data which demonstrates that black men are seven times more likely to be killed by police than are whites. Subsequent research has also concluded that:

“The only thing that was significant in predicting whether someone shot and killed by police was unarmed was whether or not they were black,” said Justin Nix, a criminal justice researcher at the University of Louisville and one of the report’s authors. “Crime variables did not matter in terms of predicting whether the person killed was unarmed.” In the study, researchers wrote that their analysis of the 990 fatal shootings in 2015 “suggests the police exhibit shooter bias by falsely perceiving blacks to be a greater threat than non-blacks to their safety.”

Black individuals shot and killed by police were less likely to have been attacking police officers than the white individuals fatally shot by police, the study found. “This just bolsters our confidence that there is some sort of implicit bias going on,” Nix said. “Officers are perceiving a greater threat when encountered by unarmed black citizens.”

Psychologists have conducted experiments that repeatedly demonstrate how police officers are more likely to shoot unarmed black men than they are whites.

America’s police departments do not keep accurate records on how many people their officers kill. Police departments are often not required to publicly disclose the names of their officers who have killed people.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation does not have an accurate accounting of the number of people killed by America’s police.

Investigations have revealed how police in major cities such as Chicago and New York routinely violate the rights of blacks and Latinos. Example: A recent report on the civil rights violations committed by the Chicago police determined that the latter’s “own data gives validity to the widely held belief the police have no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color.”

Ultimately, the tragic death of Akai Gurley at the hands of Peter Liang is a story about how the color blue that is often worn by police officers trumps the human rights of black and brown Americans. Thus, Liang benefited from a type of honorary (however not full) whiteness that comes when people of color don a police uniform.

As reported by the New York Post, Judge Chun explained Liang’s reduced sentence in the following way:

There is no evidence, either direct or circumstantial, that the defendant was aware of Akai Gurley’s presence and therefore disregarded any risk [to him]…

The New York Post continued:

The judge said he agreed with Thompson’s no-jail recommendation because “as I watched the video of the defendant entering the lobby of the Pink Houses, I couldn’t help but feel he was entering with the serious mind of protecting the people.”

“Shooting somebody never entered his mind,’’ Chun said. “I find incarceration to be unnecessary.”

This is a corrupt system protecting its own members and agents.

The outcome in the Peter Liang case also leads to a natural counterfactual and thought experiment.

What if Akai Gurley or another resident of The Pink Houses project, in fear of crime and scared to walk in a dark stairwell, pulled out a pistol, and upon being startled by the sound of a door slamming shut, accidentally discharged a weapon. The bullet then ricocheted off a wall and hit a New York City police officer, killing him. Assuming this person survived said encounter with the New York police, it is highly unlikely, if not wholly impossible, that a prosecutor or judge would have shown him or her the same mercy and leniency extended to Peter Liang.

It is true that Peter Liang may have been punished more severely than a white cop for killing Akai Gurley. However, Liang will not go to prison; his punishment was light; he will continue onward with his life, and Akai Gurley is still dead.

Police violence against black Americans is one of the remaining hangovers from a country founded on slavery, and where Jim and Jane Crow Apartheid was the rule of the land until the 1960s.

This is a moral abomination.

While the enforcers of this history and a system of white supremacy that lingers into the present may be more “racially diverse,” their murderous and other illegal deeds–and the protection offered for them–are no less racist and wrong.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 134098Unread post Gary Oak »

Check out the four minute video as well. This political correctness fashion is really dumbing us down and getting out of hand.

Why The Gender Identity Debate Is Symptomatic Of A Much Bigger Issue

Joseph Backholm, of the Family Policy Institute, is a short, Caucasian male. But he went to the University of Washington campus recently to see if students would affirm or reject his newly chosen identity: a 6'5" Chinese woman

Backholm starts by asking the students what they think of allowing transgender people into the restroom of their chosen identity. Everyone is supportive.

Then he asks what they would say if he told them he was a woman. The students get a little more uncomfortable, but, as one girl said, "I'd say good for you. Yeah!"

Backholm then presses them to say what they would think if he said he was Chinese. Again, a student says, "I might be a little surprised but I would say, 'Good for you. Yeah, be who you are.'"

He then goes on to ask what they would think if he said he was a 7-year-old. One student went silent, realizing she didn't know what to say that would be consistent with what she had already been saying.

Another sheepishly said, "I wouldn't believe that immediately". And one said, "I probably wouldn't believe it but it really wouldn't bother me that much to go out of my way to tell you, 'No, you're wrong.' I'd just be like, 'Oh, OK, he wants to be 7 years old.'"

Finally, Backholm asked, "If I told you I was 6 feet 5 inches, what would you say?"

One student replied, "If you truly believe you're 6 feet 5, I don't think it's harmful. I think it's fine if you believe that. It doesn't matter to me if you think you're taller than you are...I wouldn't tell you you're wrong." And another said, "I feel like that's not my place as another human to say someone is wrong or to draw lines or boundaries."


What should we make of this kind of thinking? A lot.

What's Really Driving the Culture Wars

Christian apologists (people who make a case for and defend the truth of Christianity) often emphasize the need to understand the difference between objective and subjective truth. Objective truth is a proposition which is true for all people, regardless of our opinions ("It's snowing outside").

Subjective truth is a proposition which can be true for some but not others ("Snow is beautiful"). Apologists have focused on this distinction because many people today claim that nothing is objectively true.

Such a claim is important when discussing Christianity because Christianity assumes objective truth exists--that Jesus is the one and only truth for everyone and it's not up to individuals to find whatever path to God they want.

While the distinction between objective and subjective truth is vital for everyone to understand, it really struck me while watching this video that this is not where most of our culture wars are being fought.

It was clear from these students' responses that they would agree many objective truths do exist--things like height and age. Not one of these students believed that Backholm was actually 7 years old or 6 feet 5 inches tall.

But every one of these students prioritized Backholm's right to comfortably believe whatever he wanted about himself over telling him what was objectively true. What this pointedly demonstrates is that debates over issues like gender identity are really just symptomatic of a more wide-spread disease:

That society has overwhelmingly abandoned the primacy of love-driven truth telling.

While most people wouldn't claim that speaking the truth is never important, it's taken a giant back seat to the primacy of making others feel good about believing whatever they want. Society has bought into the notion that leaving people alone with their beliefs is the loving choice, as long as they don't harm others with those beliefs.

Oh the irony! Could anything be more insidiously unloving than knowing someone has wrong beliefs that could be personally harmful, yet prioritizing silence as long as no one else gets hurt?

As Christian parents, we have the responsibility of raising a generation that understands what loving others really means. Genuine love is willing the best for someone else, even when that means sharing objective truths they may not want to hear

What That Means for the Gospel...and for Christian Parents

This, of course, has direct implications for our ability to share the gospel today--a far greater concern than any individual issue. In an increasingly secular society, fewer and fewer people feel it's acceptable for people to share their faith (see the comments in response to my post last week as an example).

People of faith are expected to privatize their beliefs so everyone can be comfortable thinking whatever they want.

But this misses the most obvious point of all: What if Christianity is true? What if there really are eternal consequences for whether or not you accept Jesus as your Savior? Does it make any sense at all, if Christians are acting consistently within their worldview, that we would keep silent about what we believe to be objective truth for all?

At least one non-believer gets this. Atheist Penn Jillette (of the magician duo, Penn & Teller) has famously said:

"I've always said that I don't respect people who don't proselytize. I don't respect that at all. If you believe that there's a heaven and a hell, and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life, and you think that it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward--and atheists who think people shouldn't proselytize and who say just leave me alone and keep your religion to yourself--how much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"


To engage confidently and faithfully with a society which overwhelmingly no longer gets that, our kids need to be equipped with three things:

1. Knowledge of the truth. This is making sure that our kids have a clear understanding of the gospel and the overarching narrative of salvation history as given to us in the Bible. These are simply the facts of Christianity. Without a clear understanding of what the truth actually is, our kids won't be in a position to share it.

2. Conviction of the truth. Knowledge alone isn't enough when the basis of that knowledge is being constantly challenged. Our kids must have a deep conviction of why there is such good reason to believe that Christianity is true. This is why teaching our kids apologetics--the case for and defense of the Christian faith--is so critical today. Without giving them the deep conviction that what they believe is really true, we'll raise a generation content to stay silent...unsure of whether the risk to speak up is worth the likely hostility they'll encounter.

3. Courage to share the truth. Courage requires both knowledge and conviction, but there's one more ingredient: love. When we teach our kids what true love is--the genuine concern for the well-being of others--they'll understand there's no Godly choice but to speak up and speak truth...even when society has utterly abandoned love-driven truth telling as a cherished value.

If you need help explaining to your kids why there's good reason to believe Christianity is true--giving them the conviction they need--check out my new book: Keeping Your Kids on God's Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith.

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 134100Unread post Blue Frost »

Most those questions I would say hey, you are retarded, but i don't care if your feelings are hurt.
People like Jinner, he is a man wanting to be a woman now, he is still a man.
there is likely some people with the disposition at birth, that might not have formed right, I feel for those people.
The confused ones, and types like Jinner. that's on them, and either a mental illness, or something defective in their society.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 134213Unread post RDL »

Blue Frost wrote:Most those questions I would say hey, you are retarded, but i don't care if your feelings are hurt.
People like Jinner, he is a man wanting to be a woman now, he is still a man.
there is likely some people with the disposition at birth, that might not have formed right, I feel for those people.
The confused ones, and types like Jinner. that's on them, and either a mental illness, or something defective in their society.
It's Jenner, not Jinner.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 134217Unread post Blue Frost »

Is he, I really don't care what he is, just a man in drag if you ask me.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135079Unread post Gary Oak »

We are living in strange times. :scratch:

Is there an increasing hostility to Christian values and religious freedoms in our country today? Here are seven representative examples, all from the last few weeks. Judge for yourself.

1. The NCAA announced that it will not hold any men's and women's Final Four basketball events in a city that "discriminates" against anyone based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

In its official statement, the NCAA declared, "The board's decision follows the recent actions of legislatures in several states, which have passed laws allowing residents to refuse to provide services to some people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. While proponents of the laws focus on how they protect religious beliefs, critics have voiced concerns that they create an environment of sanctioned discrimination."

Not only, then, has the NCAA grossly mischaracterized these recent laws, but it is now guilty of discriminating against biblically based beliefs and declaring that no Final Four game will be held in any city that does not allow men to use women's bathrooms or that protects a Christian photographer from being forced to shoot a same-sex "wedding."

2. The Colorado Supreme Court has chosen not to hear the case of Christian baker Jack Phillips who was previously ordered by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission "to create cakes for same-sex celebrations, re-educate his staff, and file quarterly 'compliance' reports for two years."

According to Jeremy Tedesco, Senior Counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom, "We asked the Colorado Supreme Court to take this case to ensure that government understands that its duty is to protect the people's freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally, not force them to violate those beliefs as the price of earning a living.

Jack, who has happily served people of all backgrounds for years, simply exercised the long-cherished American freedom to decline to use his artistic talents to promote a message and event with which he disagrees, and that freedom shouldn't be placed in jeopardy for anyone."

The Court declined to hear the case, meaning that the state's Civil Rights Commission not only has the power to require a bakery to make same-sex "wedding" cakes but also to require that baker to "reeducate" his staff and file regular reports proving that he is baking those cakes.

Chairman Mao would be proud of state-mandated "reeducation" like this.

3. Dr. Eric Walsh, the highly qualified, newly hired District Health Director with the Georgia Department of Public Health was fired because of the content of his sermons as a Seventh Day Adventist.

As expressed by Jeremy Dys, an attorney with First Liberty, which has taken on Walsh's case, "No one in this country should be fired from their job for something that was said in a church or from a pulpit during a sermon." And as noted by attorney David French, "Working for former president Bush and President Obama to combat AIDS, serving as a board member of the Latino Health Collaborative, and starting California's first city-run dental clinic for low-income families dealing with HIV/AIDS wasn't sufficient to overcome the horror at Walsh's Christian views."

How dare he preach what the Bible says and try to serve his country at the same time.

4. Several senators have introduced a bill that would deem "all efforts to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity an 'unfair or deceptive act or practice' under the Federal Trade Commission Act."

That's right. It would be illegal -- a form of "medical malpractice" -- to counsel someone struggling with same-sex attraction or gender identify confusion, but it would be perfectly legal to encourage someone to embrace those attractions or act on that confusion.

Already in 2009, conservative journalist Matthew Cullinan Hoffman wryly observed:

A man goes to a psychologist with a problem. "Doctor," he says, "I'm suffering terribly. I feel like a woman trapped inside the body of a man. I want to become a woman."

The psychologist responds: "No problem. We can discuss this idea for a couple of years, and if you're still sure you want to be a woman, we can have a surgeon remove your penis, give you hormones for breast enlargement and make other changes to your body. Problem solved."

Gratified, the first patient leaves, followed by a second. "Doctor," he says, "I feel terrible. I'm a man but I feel attracted to other men. I want to change my sexual preference. I want to become heterosexual."

The psychologist responds: "Oh no, absolutely not! That would be unethical. Sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic!"

Family therapist Adam Jessel offered a similar observation: "In today's climate, if Bill tells me that he is attracted to his neighbor Fred's young child and he wants to reduce these attractions, I, as a therapist, can try to help him. If Bill has an unwanted attraction to Fred's wife, this too is something I am permitted to help him with. But if Bill has an unwanted attraction to Fred himself, then it's regarded as unethical for me to help."

If this new bill becomes law, it would not only be considered unethical to help Bill deal with his same-sex attractions, it would be illegal.
image: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/images ... reedvd.jpg

It would also be illegal to help a person get to the root of his or her gender confusion, but it would be perfectly legal for a counselor to recommend hormone blockers for a 10-year-old to stop the onset of puberty and then to prepare that child for sex-change surgery as soon as they were old enough.

Here are a few more examples, in shorter form, all from recent weeks.

5. The NBA announced that it will not hold next year's All-Star game in Charlotte, North Carolina unless the state changes HB2, the Bathroom Privacy Act.

So, unless North Carolina agrees to let grown men use women's locker rooms and changing facilities, and unless it removes protections for religious liberties, it will be punished.

6. The Department of Education has decided, "Religious schools that receive federal money yet obtain federal exemptions to [allegedly!] discriminate against LGBT students and employees will have their waivers posted online for public view."

This means that any Christian institution receiving federal money and at the same time holding to biblical morality and sexuality could suffer adverse consequences.

"Led by Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the lawmakers said in December, 'We are concerned these waivers allow for discrimination under the guise of religious freedom.'"

Oh, those terrible religious freedoms!

7. As reported on Breitbart News, "A federal court sided with a transgender student who insisted that the Obama administration's reading of federal Title IX rules would allow her to choose her own bathroom at her Virginia high school."

According to the exultant Virginia ACLU, "With this decision, we hope that schools and legislators will finally get the message that excluding transgender kids from the restrooms is unlawful sex discrimination."

In other words, no matter of what kind of hardship or inconvenience this puts on the rest of the students, and without any type of scientific proof that a child is actually "transgender," the perceived needs of the one or two struggling children will be imposed on the other 1,000, and the Obama administration will come after your school if you fail to comply.

What's scary is that I could have listed quite a few more examples, all from the month of April.

Believers in America, if somehow you are still sleeping, it is high time you woke up.

Oringially published at Askdrbrown - reposted with permission

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135083Unread post Blue Frost »

They attack Christianity, but kiss the dirty ass of a Muslim pedo that would kill them if they had a chance.
It's blatant the sickness of the left.
Christianity has it's own nuts, but the fact is the Koran teaches hatred, and death to unbelievers, and the left if full of them.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135456Unread post Gary Oak »

Obama feels that he knows better than people who have spent their entire lives as school administrators and is forcing this policy which will lead to some activities that are not acceptable buy North American standards.

Obama’s Coed Bathroom Madness

J. Matt Barber

President Obama’s done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.
Reports Fox News: “The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate. …
“While the letter does not have the force of law, it does warn that schools that do not abide by the administration’s interpretation of civil rights law may face lawsuits or loss of federal aid.”
The operative phrase here is, “does not have the force of law.” This is a cynical exercise in pure propaganda on the part of the Obama administration. The directive is entirely toothless and universally at odds with long-standing and unambiguous legislative intent and judicial interpretation of both Titles VII and IX of federal law.
It’s clearly in response to North Carolina’s federal lawsuit against the administration in defense of that state’s HB2 bathroom bill. “This is an attempt to unilaterally rewrite long-established federal civil rights laws in a manner that is wholly inconsistent with the intent of Congress and disregards decades of statutory interpretation by the courts,” notes North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s complaint.
School officials should, and must, ignore this absurd disinformation campaign. It’s nothing short of a frantic effort to curb the rising national tide of fierce opposition to genderless bathrooms, locker rooms and showering facilities.
“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” claims Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
One small problem: Title VII clearly defines what is meant by “sex.” It was intended to bar discrimination against women (real women), and Lynch knows it: “The terms ‘because of sex’ or ‘on the basis of sex’ include, but are not limited to, because of or on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; and women affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions shall be treated the same for all employment-related purposes.”
As noted by former Assistant U.S. Attorney Frank Lipuma in the John Marshal Law Review, the “courts have defined ‘sex’ according to the traditional notions of biological sex.”
Even hard-left Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has acknowledged this indisputable fact for years, writing in the Washington Post, “Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy.” When you’ve moved to the left of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there’s no left left.
Moreover, Congress has, without fail, rejected efforts to include “gender identity” or “sexual orientation” in federal law. It is abundantly clear that the lawmakers who drafted and passed Titles VII and IX never dreamed that “sex” might include a man laboring under the delusion that he’s a woman.
And so, true to form, Friday’s “guidance” letter represents but another desperate attempt by our despot-in-chief to circumvent the constitutional process through executive fiat.
This “gender identity” madness is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” meets George Orwell. We must all pretend, under penalty of law, that a man in a miniskirt is magically a woman, or face the wrath of “progressive” Big Brother (or is it Big Sister?)
I’m so confused!
Not only is the extremist “LGBT” agenda counter-constitutional, offensive and outrageous, it’s also extremely dangerous. There have already been dozens of instances wherein sexual predators have brazenly leveraged these “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” policies for their own perverted purposes. Consider, for example, the following. If it doesn’t make your blood boil, then you just might be a liberal:
Washington state, dateline 2012: Colleen is just like the girl next door. Well, sort of. Colleen has a penis. So, I guess, unless the girl next door has a penis, Coleen really isn’t much like her at all.
But that’s beside the point. In Washington you must, by law, pretend, along with Colleen, President Obama and Loretta Lynch, that, in the face of both reality and sanity, Colleen really is like the girl next door. This includes letting Colleen, who is actually a 47-year-old dude named Clay Scott Francis, lie naked and “sprawled out in a sauna exposing himself” to girls as young as 6-years-old. This really happened in the ladies locker room at Evergreen State College.
Slow down there, Dad. According to Washington state law, if you have a problem with Mr. Francis baring all to your baby girl, then you’re the problem. You’re a “transphobe” (“homophobia’s” evil twin). Deck this pervert for terrifying your first-grader and you’re off to jail while “Colleen” is off to the “Human Rights Campaign” for a commendation as the latest victim of an “anti-LGBT hate crime.”
Rosa Parks in drag, I guess.
It’s only fair, you see, because, as Clay, er, “Colleen,” complained, and as police agreed, this sicko was “discriminated against” when he was asked to leave on behalf of a terrorized 17-year-old girl. “This is not 1959 Alabama,” cried Francis. “We don’t call police for drinking from the wrong water fountain.”
On this, Francis, Loretta Lynch and the larger Obama administration are simpatico. They share this bizarre hostility toward objective biological reality and the safety and privacy rights of women and children.
And the farcical “civil rights” card is their ruse of choice.
“It was not so very long ago that states, including North Carolina, had other signs above restrooms, water fountains, and on public accommodations, keeping people out based on a distinction without a difference. We’ve moved beyond those dark days,” opined Lynch last week.
“Distinction without a difference?” Evidently AG Lynch skipped third-grade biology. Time for a “birds and bees” refresher at 1600 Pennsylvania. It remains unclear whether Mr. Francis drafted Lynch’s off-the-wall remarks himself.
Get that, my African-American friends? According to both the Obama administration and their ally, Clay Scott Francis, a beneficiary of “white privilege,” a man who, incidentally, identifies as a “transgender lesbian” (meaning he’s sexually attracted to females), to be told that you cannot sprawl naked and intentionally expose your manly bits to 6-year-old girls is no different from being relegated to a “colored only” water fountain.
What a tangled web of gender dysphoria and progressive pathology we weave. It is not “transphobia” to recognize that “transgender girls” are not real girls. It is an empirical, biological fact that “transgender girls” are not real girls. They are, have always been and always will be boys, no matter how deep-seated their sexual confusion.
This madness must stop.
Time to man up, America.
Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135459Unread post Blue Frost »

Texas isn't playing into his extortion their schools said, they already help the kids, and talk with the parents.
Calling these kids out will just get them bullied as the man said i watched, why put them in the spotlight like that.
I believe all this is is to cover up something more Obama is up too . Or maybe just creating issues for something political.
Him being a dictator should get him axed.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135510Unread post Gary Oak »

Boys being able to use girls washrooms is so important to Obama that he has to force his belief on the entire nations schools and any opposing views don't even matter. What kind of a dictoator would feel so strongly about this issue ? This is just plain wierd. I doubt that girls are going to want to use the buys washroom except for the odd diesel dyke. The American public voted in a real strange one.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135512Unread post Gary Oak »

It appears that many Methodists do not believe that the religion os political correctness should trump what the bible actually says.

Methodist Church Continues Slow Death Spiral Thanks To Liberal Policies

The modern history of Methodism has shown a steady decline at each General Conference and this year is no different.
More than 900 people from around the world are currently gathered in Portland, Ore., for the United Methodist Church General Conference from May 10-20 as they struggle to come to terms with their denomination's decline and eventual death if changes are not made.

Earlier this year, economist Don House, a United Methodist layperson, delivered a sobering statistical report to a joint meeting of the GCFA board and the Connectional Table, the denomination's top administrative body.

According to House, the denomination must adopt and implement a credible turnaround strategy in the next five to fifteen years. If it fails to do so, he projects average worship attendance will drop by over 35 percent by 2030, and will fall to less than a million in 2050.

According to the most recent data, The United Methodist Church has lost 116,063 members in the past 12 months - the stark equivalent to losing a 318-member local church every day of the year.

Some fear it is too little too late to change and that Methodism will continue on its current path to destruction. "Methodism in the U.S. has lost membership every year since 1964--more than 4.5 million members. There is nothing in its U.S. policies that can or will reverse the decline in the near future," said Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion & Democracy and a practicing Methodist.

The decline has become more and more prevalent, with both membership and attendance falling by a third during the last 10 years, and churches closing in record numbers. Decline in the United Methodist Church can be seen not only in the loss of attendance and numbers, but in its abandonment of the Word of God.

The United Methodist Kairos Response, in particular, is promoting a skewed worldview in which Israel bears sole responsibility for the absence of peace and the suffering of Palestinians. At its General Conference several years ago, the UMC rejected BDS resolutions, but the Kairos proponents are trying again this year.

Israel is the subject of at least 14 petitions (resolutions) for delegates to consider this year, with the majority pushing an anti-dialogue agenda that censures and denounces only one party--the State of Israel. One petition even calls on United Methodists to partner with Jews working for "an end to the occupation of Palestine," as though relationships with the Jewish community should be confined to an echo chamber in full agreement that Israel is to blame.

But the United Methodist Church's views on Israel are not the only beliefs that have strayed from Biblical standards.

Last summer, the Episcopal Church officially joined Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ in becoming the third mainline denomination to embrace gay marriage rites -- a move that came just days after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex unions.

The United Methodist Church's Book of Discipline, which outlines church law, is explicit in noting that , "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore, self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church."
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And yet just one day before the United Method Church geared up for its General Conference, more than 100 pastors, deacons, elders and ministry staff publicly came out as members of the LGBTQ community.

"While you have welcomed us as pastors, youth leaders, district superintendents, bishops, professors, missionaries and other forms of religious service, you have required that we not bring our full selves to ministry, that we hide from view our sexual orientations and gender identities.", reads the letter addressed to the United Methodist Church, which was organized by a group called Reconciling Ministries Network. We are United Methodists because there is no other denomination with our unique connectional polity and distinctive Wesleyan spirituality," the text continues.

This faction of the LGBTQ Methodist community went on to say that the purpose of the letter -- and the public coming-out -- is to show love and "seek to remain in relationship" with the rest of the denomination, and that, regardless of what happens next, congregants opposed to LGBTQ inclusion cannot stop what those behind the letter believe to be the will of God.

The strength of the denomination's African churches, which are overwhelmingly conservative in theology, has been one of the few reasons that Methodists have not declined ever further and if current trends continue, the majority of United Methodist members would live outside the U.S. by the end of 2016.

At the current rate of decline, The United Methodist Church in the United States has less than 50 years remaining. The American Methodist experience of decline is a cautionary tale for all churches, including conservative ones.

Seeking to fulfill the church's mission primarily through political advocacy and/or adopting liberal theology appears to be a key historic ingredient in denominational decline.

Doctrines concerning the true Biblical view of sin, marriage, and sexuality remain essential for evangelical Christian teaching to remain viable in the face of our society's growing culture of "acceptance".
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135513Unread post Blue Frost »

Not the public, just the idiot freeloaders, and weirdos. They ignored the truth, and voted him in because he would be the first black president, white guilt nuts, socialist, and straight up Democrats that would vote for a turd because all the other flies are hanging out there. There is other choices other than walking the party line with the other idiots.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 135702Unread post Gary Oak »

Obama pretends to care but his moves always cause massive pain that frar outweighs the pain that he is trying to save. His moves always cause devestating results while he does his caring smile.

The transgender programming of children is child abuse, warns the American College of Pediatricians... chemical castration, genital mutilation and mental illness run amok…

(NaturalNews) So this guy walks into an OB/GYN clinic and demands a gynecological exam. The doctor, a woman, takes one look at him and says, "That won't work. You're a man." The man, however, "self identifies" as a woman and blasts the doctor for being a bigot. "I self identify as a woman," he says. "And I demand to be treated as a woman, or I'll call my civil rights lawyer."

The doctor, not wanting to be called a bigot, proceeds to give the man a fake gynecological exam, playing into his delusional distortions about his own biology and arguably worsening his mental disconnect with his physical self.

This is what transgenderism and "biological subjectivism" has come to in America today... a politically correct demand that everyone agree to participate in the mental distortions of a few individuals who suffer from a psychological disconnect from their biological realities. Such ideologies stand in complete contradiction to the known science on biology and physical reality, and sadly, this mental distortion is now being thrust onto children as part of a sick, demented political agenda to appease the most lunatic fringe elements of the political spectrum.

That agenda now demands that public schools be turned into transgender child factories, churning out confused, suicidal children who are physically and chemically mutilated by a society that applauds them for denying their biological reality. This entire agenda, now being waged against the children of America by politically motivated cultural arsonists, is nothing less than a crime against children.

The science is clear: The biology of gender is a physical reality that's not subject to "impersonation"
"Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait," explains the American College of Pediatricians. "The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality."

When President Obama orders schools across America to normalize transgender confusion in children, he worsens that confusion in the minds of children who are still grappling with their biologically driven gender identity. "A person's belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking," explains the ACP. "When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria."

Although liberal ideology can pretend that transgenderism is a "third sex," this is fairy tale thinking. There is no third sex. And a man pretending to be a woman does not make that person a woman. Hence, "biological subjectivism" is delusional thinking. Yet it is a delusion that is being thrust upon the entire population via shaming tactics of political correctness.

Alarmingly, this politically motivated transgender agenda has now invaded our schools, where vulnerable children will be easily swept into the confusing, abusive world of chemical castrations and genital mutilation surgery while being applauded by obedient conformists for having the "courage" to deny their biological existence.

And so we now live in a nation where child-abusing parents who need to be locked away in mental institutions are turning their children into gender confused basket cases who may also end up needing psychiatric intervention. This is how the cycle perpetuates, and the political powers in Washington are encouraging this cycle of mental illness, child mutilation and horrible suffering among children who are now being shoved toward transgenderism because it appeases the perverse political appetites of mentally ill adults.

Transgender advocacy called "child abuse" by the American College of Pediatricians
From the ACP:

Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to "gender clinics" where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures that they will "choose" a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.

Keep in mind that encouraging children to pursue transgender ideologies eventually leads to chemical castration and / or genital mutilation via surgery.

Gender confusion may be common in children, but nearly all of them eventually grow out of the confusion and come to accept the biology they were born with. "According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty," explains the ACP.

Yet when society coddles gender-confused children and encourages them to change their biological sex through chemical castration and surgical mutilation, it deprives such children the opportunity to explore, learn and grow beyond their early confusion. To declare a child to be a "transgender" in need of chemical and surgical mutilation is a crime against children.

As the ACP explains: "Never has it been more scientifically clear that children and adolescents are incapable of making informed decisions regarding permanent, irreversible and life-altering medical interventions. For this reason, the College maintains it is abusive to promote this ideology, first and foremost for the well-being of the gender dysphoric children themselves, and secondly, for all of their non-gender-discordant peers, many of whom will subsequently question their own gender identity, and face violations of their right to bodily privacy and safety."

It's time to stop the transgender programming of children in our society
Transgenderism, says the ACP, is "child abuse" and a kind of mental illness. Its very ideology exists in contradiction to physical and biological reality, where chromosomes determine biological sex, and nearly all children eventually learn to accept the reality of their physical bodies, even if they are temporarily confused.

The transgender programming of children is a politically motivated agenda to cause an acceleration in gender confusion and distorted gender identities among the population. It is rooted in a fundamental mass mental illness of a delusional society, where "reality" is now played out via political memes and social media shaming rather than biology reality or even the real world of nature all around us.

When it comes to physical biology, the answer is clear: Sex is binary. You are either born with male biology or female biology. There are extremely rare cases of hermaphroditic genetic expression, but this is not a "third sex." It is a genetic and / or formative disorder.

Mother Nature intends for all humans to be born as either male or female. It is self-evident in the genetic code, the biochemistry and the reproduction of the species. To teach a child that he or she exists in contradiction to the biology they were born with is a violation of nature and a form of mental abuse against those children.

Children need to be connected to their bodies and learn to accept and honor the "hardware" they were born with. To teach a child that they are disconnected from their biological self is to invite and encourage runaway shame, peer ridicule and tortorous mental illness in that child, which is one reason why suicide rates are so alarmingly high among those who pursue a transgender lifestyle.

Thanks, Obama, for not just screwing up our entire economy, our justice system, our community policing, our foreign policy and our border control. Now you're screwing with the mental health of our children, too! Got any more destruction planned before you leave office?

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/054053_trans ... z493KrFymK
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 136234Unread post Gary Oak »

This proves that it is still possible for common sense to prevail in North Carolina. I don't want to share the washroom with some fat ugly deisal dyke who has decided that she is a guy.

Bathrooms, Biology and Federal Overreach: Bad Ideas And Their Victims

The last two weeks have been, of all things, about bathrooms. First, the U.S. Department of Justice notified the state of the North Carolina that HB 2, or the bathroom law, violated the Civil Rights Act. Now to be clear, HB2 requires people to use public bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the sex listed on their birth certificate.

Note the word "public." The law allows businesses to determine their own bathroom policies. And, individuals who have undergone sex reassignment surgery can have their birth certificate changed to reflect their transition.

But according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the common sense protections of HB2 is akin to Jim Crow laws. Sex specific restrooms are like segregated restrooms, water fountains, entrances, and lunch counters of the racially segregated south.

North Carolina responded to the DOJ's threats to withhold federal funding by filing a law suit. And the DOJ responded by filing a lawsuit back of its own.

Then on Friday, lest we think North Carolina is an isolated case, Obama administration officials--specifically the assistant secretary of education for civil rights and the head of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department--directed schools, including "all public schools and most colleges and universities that receive federal funds," to--as the Washington Post described it--"provide transgender students with access to suitable facilities--including bathrooms and locker rooms--that match their chosen gender identity."

Schools that fail to comply with this edict from on high are, the officials announced, in violation of Title IX, the federal sexual anti-discrimination act, and would therefore--you guessed it--risk losing federal funding. Comply or you don't get the money. It's ideological extortion, not policy making. Please visit BreakPoint.org and we'll link you to a legal analysis of this decree from our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom.

So how should Christians respond? We have to start by understanding the issues at stake. Did you catch all the references to civil rights in these stories?

Transgender rights, like gay and lesbian rights before them, have been placed in the historical narrative of overcoming discrimination and bigotry. We aren't dealing with just a policy issue; we're dealing with a fundamental view of what it means to be human.

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Also, many have long pushed to separate concepts of sex and gender. Sex is how you were born, they say, but gender was self-determined and therefore flexible. But in citing the Civil Rights Act, the administration is saying that the right of self-determination is sacred, akin to non-chosen traits such as ethnicity and race.

And by citing Title IX the administration is going even a step further, saying that sex discrimination legislation now applies to gender. In other words, our biological sex should be considered as malleable as our conception of our genders.

Now if all of this sounds like a strange exercise in denying reality, well, it is. That's the power of worldview. Like prescription glasses, worldviews will either clarify reality or distort reality. The ideas at work here are reality-denying.

Here's an example of what I mean by reality-denying. Again quoting Attorney General Lynch, "None of us can stand by when a state enters the business of legislating identity and insists that a person pretend to be something or someone they are not." Now in light of Friday's edict, who exactly is legislating identity and insisting that persons--now school children across the nation--pretend to be something they're not?!

You've heard us say on BreakPoint ideas have consequences, and they certainly do. But we must also say ideas have victims.

In this case, an edict advancing the sexual revolution will make victims by granting special rights to the few while trampling the rights of the rest. And those who resist will be victims of name-calling and public shaming. And precious, gender-confused children, taken deeper into their confusion, will be made victims of our illusions of moral progress.

Originally published by breakpoint.org - reposted with permission.

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 136237Unread post Blue Frost »

This stuff is just sick, and retarded, letting a man sleep, and pee in a little girls room, and it should be stopped.
I want to talk with some of these supporters that have little kids to see where their minds at. My thought is child protection needs to take their kids.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 136263Unread post Gary Oak »

Only a strange man would want to use a girls washroom. Would any parent approve of strange men using washrooms with their daughters ?
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 136264Unread post Blue Frost »

From The top sick man.

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 136654Unread post RDL »

Gary Oak wrote:Only a strange man would want to use a girls washroom. Would any parent approve of strange men using washrooms with their daughters ?
What if it's a straight man wanting to have consensual sex with his girlfriend in a public washroom?
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