Political Correctness

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130026Unread post RDL »

RDL wrote:
Gary Oak wrote:If a white guy was to go to a rally being held by Nikki Minaj or Micheal Jordon and behaved like that black huy at the Trump rally giving them the finger and mocking them would that white guy not get a serious beating ? There is a real political correct bias against white people.


Top :stars:

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130231Unread post Gary Oak »

Now this is political correctness running amok and getting out of control. Notice how they concentrate only on the bad things that white people have done. Yes white A,ericans dropped the bomb but the Japanese were acquiring uranium in efforts to build an atom bomb themselves and do you think that the Japanese would have thought twice about dropping atom bombs on anybody ? I can list some of the countless atrocities that they commited. Now if white people just up and left the USA and were replaced by Mexicans I believe that the USA would almost immediately become a drug warfare third world nation without the quality controls on waste management, water quality, construction etc... if a;; the white left and were replaced by blacks what would klaw enforcement be like ? I have some very smart black friends but I think that corruption would take over much like it has in South Africa. The countries that most people want to immigrate to are populated and founded by white people. Coincidence ?

White Shaming Out of Control In Oregon

By Professor Doom

I understand that “Western Culture” has done a few shameful things in the past. Yes, I can rationalize that every culture on the planet has done horrific things to human beings and the environment, but I know that another’s wrongs don’t excuse my own.

Of course “my own” is the issue in that previous sentence. I know the Inquisition was a horrible thing, I know the Native American Indians were treated atrociously, and I know America dropped some atom bombs…but I also know that these are not my crimes, so it is very difficult for me to feel ashamed of the evil actions of a culture attributed to me that, honestly, I had nothing to do with.

It’s clear an ideological madness is gripping our campuses now. It isn’t just that one looney professor spouting ridiculous things (honest, some version of “that guy” has always been on campus)…whole campuses are now acting completely insane, supported by an administration that lacks the competence to say “enough is enough.”

So, rather than focus on the lone madness of a professor saying “while males are a cancer and must die” and urging (white) students to kill themselves, I want to talk about an entire campus turning into an asylum.

It’s easy enough to see this madness on California campuses, but I almost feel like I’m picking on them because I so often highlight California lunacy. So, today we’re looking at Portland Community College. Yes, it’s a community college, and I’m hard on those too, but having seen so many wildly incompetent, unprofessional and outright sleazy community college faculty and administrators, I feel the need to illuminate once again how these places are festering piles of corruption that often lack even the capacity to put up the slightest veneer of legitimacy.

So, what’s going on at Portland Community College? Here goes:

Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming

Yes, a whole month of insanity. The title of the article actually comes close to describing the reality—a real highlight for mainstream media (thus, a flag that I’m not linking to a mainstream media site).

The college itself naturally presents things the way mainstream media does, i.e., deceptively:

Portland Community College has designated April "Whiteness History Month" (WHM),

Hey, a Whiteness History Month sounds like it’d be a refreshing change from the endless reminders of how white people used to have slaves (though I never owned slaves, and most every other culture had slaves in any event). I mean, “Black History Month” is all about contributions of a certain race…I totally don’t see any problem with that.

So, yes, bring it on, let’s have a month celebrating what is, supposedly, my race and culture. Alas, the name of the event is most misleading as to the true purpose:

“…an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of whiteness" creates racial inequality…”

Sigh, the old “inequality” canard. Look, I’m sorry, “equality” is impossible, best we can have is “equitable.” As a student, I had my intellectual buttocks handed to me repeatedly by Asian students. I could have thrown rocks, I suppose, or demanded better grades. Instead, I pressed on, as things were “equitable.” Yes, Asians scored better than me on tests, but the situation was equitable—we were taking the same tests, competing under the same rules. I could have spent less time playing video games, after all.

Anyway, a whole month of crying about how things are not equal is insane. Blaming white people for the nature of reality? That’s just nuts on top of the bananas split.

"Scheduled for the month of April 2016, the project seeks to inspire innovative and practical solutions to community issues and social problems that stem from racism."

Yes, there are social problems, but we’re at the stage now where white people can’t even apply for jobs where skin color should have absolutely nothing to do with it, where white people are shut out of whole departments (Hi African Studies!) and high-paying fiefdoms (Hi Diversity Institutes!) on campus…and the solution is to pour more scorn on white people?

I totally concede “whiteness” is a social construct. Has anyone tried those genetic testing kits that give your genetic origins? Unsurprisingly, many folks have some African heritage without knowing it…and the other way around as well. The point? Even if you’re not white (whatever that means), you might still be an oppressor filled with loathsome whiteness, or so college ideology claims. Worried you don’t know how bad you are? This community college has you covered:

"…does not simply refer to skin color[,] but [to] an ideology based on beliefs, values, behaviors, habits, and attitudes, which result in the unequal distribution of power and privilege based on skin color."

Sigh. Power and privilege based on skin color? Where? Seriously, where? Working in higher education, I’ve certainly been penalized for being a white male a number of times. Was I absent the day I was to be assigned power and privilege for being white?

"…alternatives to a culture of white supremacy ... approaches and strategies to dismantling whiteness ... [and] the roles and responsibilities of white people and people of color in dismantling whiteness."

“Alternatives to a culture of white supremacy” assumes that we currently have a culture of white supremacy…I’m sure this is news to President Obama, our supreme leader despite not being in the “supreme” race. Anyone who dares emit the slightest hint that whites are superior in any way whatsoever is destroyed nowadays (note: I’m making no such assertion, myself, merely pointing out the reality of what happens to people that even mumble something that could loosely be interpreted in this way). There’s no culture of white supremacy, the whole premise of this white shaming month is false. No one will point out the false assumption on this campus. Why?

Because we are terrified of speaking out due to the culture of fear on campus. A few lunatics can really warp a campus…especially at a community college, where there are few (if any) checks on administrative power. If the Poo Bah is driving crazy, his sycophantic followers (often hand-picked by the Poo Bah) will go along for the ride…even if it’s right off a cliff.

The comments section naturally blasts the college. So many of the comments are fairly accurate, but one merits commentary on my part:

Community colleges aren't "colleges" but government funded re-education centers devoted to churning out PC corrected citizens willing to accept the New World Order.

I certainly agree that community colleges aren’t colleges; I’ve shown more than enough times that the coursework there doesn’t classify as college level in any meaningful sense. I still maintain (and have shown) that community colleges are primarily frauds, because that’s what I’ve seen with my own eyes. I’m not ready to concede that community colleges are “re-education centers” because much of the indoctrination happens in the “public” schools, and, bottom line, I’ve seen way too much incompetence and fraud in community colleges to believe that something as important as indoctrination would be entrusted to a community college.

But, I could be wrong, and perhaps the lunacy in Oregon is just the beginning of the second wave of indoctrination planned for our citizens…

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130232Unread post Gary Oak »

it is very politically correct to teach killing white people at a prestigious university :scratch:

Harvard caught in anti-Trump, "death to whites" cover-up

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130238Unread post Blue Frost »

I couldn't watch it all, and if i was there I would be insisting some suspensions. I don't care who it's against, that's uncalled for.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130305Unread post RDL »

Gary Oak wrote:it is very politically correct to teach killing white people at a prestigious university :scratch:

Harvard caught in anti-Trump, "death to whites" cover-up

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130308Unread post Blue Frost »

The whole Black Lives matter thing is total anti white, and bigoted, and sponsored by George Soros a Nazi Jew who worked for the Nazis.
He is totally an elitist socialist, and all I say about him is common knowledge liberals want to ignore, or say about conservatives.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130974Unread post Gary Oak »

If I wanted to help Islam destroy the west here's what I would do--

1.Try and get as many muslims to emigrate to western countries as possible.

2. Whenever there is a terrorist attack, downplay the attack and focus instead on "Islamophobia" and pseud- victimization

3. Characterise any criticism of the tenets of Islam, no matter how fact based and legitimate, as "racist" or "islamophobic."

4. Claim that any effort to stop radical islam will be used as a recruiting tool by islamists and only increase radicalization.

I suppose I could think of more, but, in short, I would do everything that liberals do. So I ask, what is the difference between your average liberal and someone who would try to help Muslims destroy western civilzation?

Well maybe somebody else can find one, but I can't even think of one difference. Not even one.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130976Unread post Blue Frost »

I mentioned the other day that if a turd ran on the liberal ticket they would vote for it, well we got Obama, Hillary, and Burned out guy.
Lets see which one the flies like most this time around.
It gets me why they vote for someone that's so blatantly corrupt, and self destructive for themselves. Suicidal acts can only mean you are mentally ill.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 130978Unread post Blue Frost »

Just saying, you see it, know it's happening, and still make excuses for them you have to either be complacent, or brain damaged.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 131701Unread post Gary Oak »

7 Strange Questions About The Brussels Terror Attacks

The horrific terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016 are going to reverberate in our memories for years to come, and perhaps that was the intention. Terror attacks are designed to create fear and to get attention, and these attacks have definitely done both.

On Tuesday morning, two huge explosions ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels as travelers were getting ready to board their morning flights. Just a short while later, another huge explosion was reported at a metro station just yards away from the European Commission headquarters.

At this point, CNN says that at least 30 people have died and about 230 people are wounded as a result of these bombings. But what was the real motive for these attacks? The following are 7 strange questions about the Brussels terror attacks that the mainstream media is not asking...

#1 Why would Brussels be such a prime target for terror attacks?

Most Americans dont understand how important the city of Brussels is. For one thing, it is the headquarters of the NATO alliance, and defense ministers from 49 different nations met there last month to discuss a potential ground invasion of Syria.

Secondly, it is also the unofficial capital of the European Union. The following comes from Wikipedia...

"The European Union has no official capital, and no plans to declare one, but Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as a seat (officially the second seat but de facto the most important one) of the European Parliament."

Over the years Brussels has become a key symbol for European integration, so if you wanted to conduct an attack that the entire European Union would feel, Brussels would be a good choice. And many European leaders are already coming out and declaring that the attack on Brussels was an attack on Europe as a whole...

French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday's attacks in Brussels struck at "the whole of Europe".

"Through the attacks in Brussels, the whole of Europe has been hit," Hollande said in a statement, urging the continent to take vital steps in the face of the seriousness of the threat.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: "We are at war. Over the past few months in Europe, we have endured several acts of war."

#2 Was Donald Trump right about Brussels?

During an interview with Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo earlier this year, Donald Trump specifically pointed to Brussels as an example of what he wanted to avoid in this country...

The Republican presidential front-runner said Brussels, the capital of Belgium, had been particularly transformed. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.

"You go to Brussels I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful its like living in a hellhole right now," Trump continued. "You go to these different places. There is something going on."

#3 Why are there some Islamic ghettos in Brussels that are considered to be "off-limits" for non-Muslims?

Of course this is not just true in Brussels. All over Europe there are sections of major cities that have been completely and totally taken over by radical Muslims. In Belgium, the rapid growth of the Islamic community has some politicians dreaming of turning that nation into a Sharia-compliant country within just a couple of decades. The following comes from Infowars...

These ghettos, which are in fact large areas of Brussels, are considered off-limits to Europeans and radical Muslims will likely comprise the majority of the population within 20 years.

"I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws, and then it will be completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic state," a Muslim politician from Brussels, Redouane Ahrouch, said to a reporter in 2012. "In Belgium, of course!"

"I am for the Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take decades or a century, but the movement has been launched."

#4 Does 3/22 have special occult significance?

There are some people out there that are suggesting that it was no accident that these attacks happened on 3/22. And without a doubt, we have seen other events of this nature fall on dates that have special significance for the occult. I do not know exactly what to make of all of this, but we do know that 322 is extremely significant to the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University (of which George W. Bush and John Kerry are members)...

#5 Why did Barack Obama spend less than a minute talking about the terror attacks in Brussels during his speech down in Cuba?

You would think that something this historic would deserve more than 51 seconds, but this is precisely the kind of behavior that we have come to expect from Obama over the years.

#6 Is it odd that the mainstream media so quickly reported that ISIS took full responsibility for these attacks?

It is entirely possible that ISIS was behind these attacks. But it is also entirely possible that these attacks are being blamed on ISIS by other parties with ulterior motives.

What we do know is that a "bulletin" supposedly from the Islamic State was posted on Tuesday which took full responsibility for the bombings. The following comes from WND...

"Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital, Brussels, a country participating in the coalition against the Islamic State," the bulletin said. "Islamic State fighters opened fire inside the Zaventem airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maelbeek metro station."

#7 Will the terror attacks in Brussels be used to justify a ground invasion of Syria?

These attacks have produced a tremendous amount of outrage in the western world, and already many prominent voices are calling for a U.S.-led invasion of Syria in order to finally put a permanent end to ISIS.

In fact, a former top adviser to Hillary Clinton started calling for a Syrian invasion within just hours of the attacks...

A former adviser to Hillary Clinton on Syria, Frederic C. Hof, now a Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Councils Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, has called for invading Syria in the wake of the deadly attacks in Brussels.

"For the better part of a year, one clear recommendation has been on the table: assemble an American-led, coalition-of-the-willing, professional ground componentone top-heavy in regional and European forcesto enter eastern Syria to close with and kill ISIS. Engaging the Syrian opposition at all levels, consistent with an executable civil-military stabilization plan, can produce an administrative structure for an ISIS-free eastern Syria. Killing ISIS in Syria can ease the migration crisis and hasten the demise of this murderous band in Iraq. And it can demonstrate to the credulously stupid that linking up with losers will be a one-way trip to self-destruction," Hof writes.

Last month, I received quite a bit of criticism for suggesting that we could be on the verge of World War 3. But the truth is that Saudi Arabia and Turkey remain absolutely committed to the removal of the Assad regime, and now these Brussels terror attacks have conveniently shifted sentiment in Europe and in the United States in favor of a ground operation in Syria.

The current ceasefire in Syria is on the verge of completely falling apart, and if an American-led coalition does invade, that could very easily spark a major regional war. The Russians, the Iranians and Hezbollah are not just going to sit back and watch as the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies march to Damascus and remove Assad.

I keep trying to warn people that 2016 is the year when everything changes, and I have a feeling that these terror attacks in Belgium are going to turn out to be exceedingly significant.

Our world is becoming more unstable with each passing day, and sometimes all it takes is a little shove to set us on a path that we never intended to go down.

I don't have all the answers, but unlike the mainstream media, at least I am not afraid to ask the hard questions...

Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/articl ... Akmf3g7.99
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132169Unread post Gary Oak »

Is transgender the new black victim ?

The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132173Unread post Blue Frost »

Gary Oak wrote:Is transgender the new black victim ?

The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS

A black man just killed one the other day because he found out it wasn't a woman. I see ones like Jenner as a mental illness, some others not so much.
With media, Soy in everything with phitoestrogen, the sick school system with gender being perverted, no parents at home, no wonder people get confused.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132181Unread post Blue Frost »

:o Oh my, he actually sounds conservative for once :o
Hell Just froze over !

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132190Unread post RDL »

Gary Oak wrote:Is transgender the new black victim ?

The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS

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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132192Unread post Blue Frost »

I don't know why Gary does not post the video, it's much nicer, and is pretty easy. :bored:
Like I said about the issue, some it's a not mental, some it is.
the ones that it's not is a genetic malfunction when they are being formed, something in the x, and y chromosome didn't turn out right.
Some I say are personal preference, and some from a lost since of self, or confusion of identity.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132198Unread post RDL »

Blue Frost wrote:I don't know why Gary does not post the video, it's much nicer, and is pretty easy. :bored:
He does that just to be different, like Lochdubh on Van4Um. So annoying.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132200Unread post Blue Frost »

I seldom change them anymore, I used to do so, but it got old.
It's alright I guess, but is a pain leaving the page sometimes.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132203Unread post RDL »

Intermess put it very eloquently:

http://memebee.com/vancouver/viewtopic. ... 8#p1083839
you're wasting your time with him... he knows god damn good and well how to do it. he's just one of the most stubborn sons of bitches here, and he clings to some 1985 concept of "bandwidth" like he's still using a fucking 2400 baud modem.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132206Unread post Blue Frost »

My guess he laughed reading that.
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Re: Political Correctness

Post: # 132207Unread post RDL »

Lochdubh and Gary Oak: separated at birth?
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