Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 130526Unread post Blue Frost »

Out of all the people who would like to see Obama dead or in prison do you see any of this from the right ? Same with Hillary, and Barney, do you see Conservatives acting out like idiot apes ?

Top 10 Examples Of Liberal Hate

Human Events | Tuesday Jan 11, 2011 3:01 AM ... eral-hate/

Even before details were clear about the Arizona shooting, Left-wingers tried to assess blame for the tragedy to Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and the Second Amendment. When it became clear that the gunman was a deranged lunatic whose political philosophy was more in tune with the loony Left than the Tea Party, liberals continued to cry out against a so-called climate of hate perpetuated by Right-wingers. Perhaps those making that charge have forgotten the hatefulness and violent words coming from their own. Here are the Top 10 Examples of Liberal Hate.

(1) Palin Derangement Syndrome: The Left’s obsessive hatred of Sarah Palin is well-chronicled and is often accompanied by violent rhetoric. Let these three examples suffice: (1) Keith Halloran, a New Hampshire Democratic candidate, said on a Facebook thread that he wished Palin had been aboard the Alaska plane that crashed, killing five including Sen. Ted Stevens; (2) Another New Hampshire Democrat, Timothy Horrigan resigned from the state legislature after writing this gem on Facebook: “Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one . . . she is all about her myth & if she was dead she cldn’t commit any more gaffes”; and (3) foul-mouthed comedian Sandra Bernhard warned Palin she would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers” if she tried coming to New York.

(2) Obama packing heat: Barack Obama has repeatedly sprinkled his political campaigning with words more appropriate to a street thug than the President of the United States. During his 2008 campaign he said in June, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” and in September, “I want you to go out and talk to your neighbors. . . . I want you to argue with them, get in their faces.” He kept it up during the recent midterm election with this comment: “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends . . . .”

(3) Courtland Milloy’s spit wish: Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy said that after the health care vote he wanted to spit on and assault Tea Party members: “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their ‘Obama Plan White Slavery’ signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.”

(4) Krugman’s flip flop: New York Times columnist Paul Krugman was first out of the box connecting the Arizona shooting to Right-wing speech that created a climate of hate, intoning, “the purveyors of hate have been treated with respect, even deference, by the GOP establishment.” He must have forgotten his own words in December 2009 during the health care debate when he wrote, “A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy.”

(5) Bush Derangement Syndrome: Before it fades into history, the liberal hatred of President Bush should be recalled. Codepink, Michael Moore, rap stars and Hollywood comedians hurled vitriol against the President. A movie was made about his assassination. But as an example of violent rhetoric, special attention should be given to remarks made by New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi, who later apologized for describing fellow Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer as “the man who, how do I phrase this diplomatically, who will put a bullet between the President’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

(6) Daily Kos’ hypocrisy: Markos Moulitsas, of the liberal Daily Kos, was also quick to indict the Right for the Arizona tragedy, tweeting that Sarah Palin had “accomplished her mission,” a reference to her midterm elections bulls-eye target of politicians that included Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. However, his Daily Kos website blog also included Gifford’s district on a list of congressional districts “bulls-eyed” for primary challenges. And just last week, the website included a post declaring that Giffords was “dead to him” after she voted against Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House.

(7) Exterminate Republicans: This is what passes for a theater review in the Village Voice: Michale Feingold, while reviewing the play “King Cowboy Rufus Rules the Universe,” wrote: “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.”

(8) Hang Drudge: Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy suggested stringing up Internet king Matt Drudge, saying, “Drudge? Aw, Drudge, somebody ought to wrap a strong Republican entrail around his neck and hoist him up about 6 feet in the air and watch him bounce.”

(9) Outright assaults: Sometimes the hatred on the Left exceeds talk and escalates to violent assaults. Cases in point: In August 2009, members of the Service Employees International Union beat up Kenneth Gladney for distributing “Don’t Tread On Me” flags at a Missouri town hall meeting. In June 2010, Nathan Tabor was punched in the face by a Democrat during a Tea Party protest in North Carolina. Last October, Human Events reporter Emily Miller was physically assaulted while interviewing Rep. Charlie Rangel during the “One Nation Working Together” rally at the National Mall in Washington.

(10) Greenpeace “knows where you live”: Greenpeace advocated mass civil disobedience last April with this blog item on its website:“The proper channels have failed. It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism. . . . If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically elected governments into submission, then hear this: We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.”

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 130527Unread post Blue Frost »

Liberals are the Violent Ones: Here’s 23 Ways

By: Nikitas3 (Diary) | January 11th, 2011 at 07:17 AM | ... s-23-ways/

In the wake of the Arizona shootings, the liberals are trying to blame it all on conservatism. But the Arizona killer in fact has been described as a “left-wing pothead”, an atheist and an occultist. He killed a Republican federal judge in the massacre.

So once again – yes, indeed one more time – needs to debunk the myth perpetrated by Democrats and their media friends that people on the liberal side of the political spectrum are “pacifist” and “anti-war” and “peaceful” and “compassionate” and “tolerant”. Obama played on this image to get elected.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And this is just a simple observation of the liberal agenda showing that socialism is a culture of violence, anger and death in every way, shape and form. Consider the following:

*The Democrat party in America is the party of abortion on demand, no matter the duration of the pregnancy. More than 40 million babies have been aborted in the last 37 years since the Roe v. Wade decision. Tens of thousands of children have been killed at the 9-month point of birth by third-trimester abortionists like George Tiller who was closely associated with Obama’s Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius. This is pure violence against the most innocent among us.

*Black America is swimming in violence, murder, assaults, shootings, stabbings and mayhem. The Democrat party controls black America politically. We could write a book about this.

*’Pacifist’ left-wing Europe, which America is supposed to somehow emulate, has seen in the last 100 years alone two continent-wide wars, 100 million people killed in war and genocide, and hundreds of millions of lives destroyed by communist economic destruction. After the United States saved them, they have insulted us over and over. When the US wanted to vigorously defend the weakling Euros from the Soviet Union with our Pershing missiles in the 1980s, they took to the streets by the millions in protest.

*Wonderful, ‘peaceful’ Europe gave us Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Mussolini and the instruction book for mass murder and economic destruction, The Communist Manifesto. Yet those brilliant Euros think we Americans are just a bunch of dumb, violent hicks and hayseeds.

*The anti-war movement of the 1960s, controlled by the political left, frequently used violence, rioting and attacks on police to arouse public opinion.

*The American media and Follywood have been soft-soaping murderous communist regimes for decades. When big Follywood figures visit Castro as if he is a benign leader, or when the New York Times portrays America as equally as bad as the Soviet Union, that legitimizes the violence of those regimes.

*Obama’s former communications director Anita Dunn said in a speech that communist Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung was one of the world political figures that she admired most. Yet Mao Tse-Tung was the greatest genocidal killer in all of human history.

*Violent Euro protesters are being inflamed by leftist agitators in the labor union movement and by intellectuals in the universities.

*Homosexual America, which is overwhelmingly liberal, has disease and death statistics that are higher than any other group. But the American media are covering up this fact, while anyone who even questions the gay lifestyle is character-assassinated by the Gay Lobby. Just look at what happened to Carrie Prejean, the Miss California who supported traditional marriage.

*Organized crime, with its penchant for murder, violence and thievery, is a functioning arm of the Democrat party through labor unions and urban political machines.

*Suicide is statistically much higher among liberals than among conservatives.

*Liberals support euthanasia and assisted suicide for the elderly.

*Waves of sexual violence emerge from the leftist culture of promiscuity including rape, child molestation, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and a huge percentage of other crimes that are always associated with sex, sexual desire and pornography.

*Violent WTO protesters travel around rioting, smashing and burning over the economic World Trade Organization meetings of the industrialized nations. They are part of a worldwide network of anti-capitalist communists and anarchists from the political left.

*Follywood movies and TV shows, produced and directed overwhelmingly by ‘pacifist’ liberals, use guns and violence in alarming quantities. These productions spur violence in the general public. John W. Hinckley tried to assassinate president Ronald Reagan based on his obsession with the violent movie Taxi Driver. The Columbine High School massacre in 1999 was directly inspired by the film Natural Born Killers starring environmentalist Woody Harrelson. These stories are endless.

*Liberals have applauded the leak of classified military documents onto the internet via WikiLeaks. This leak will lead to violence against pro-American people across the globe and against our troops. This leak aids our violent enemies.

*Rock music and rap music, produced exclusively by the socialist left, are worlds of drugs, sexual exploitation, suicide, violence, murder and mayhem. Alcoholism, depression and self-hatred abound among the so-called “musicians” of this horrid universe. Go read about some of these people. They are very frightening.

*Left-wing groups like ACORN sent provocateurs into the Tea Party protests of April 15, 2009 to try and stir up trouble. In Pittsfield, Massachusetts, we were protesting peacefully when a group of black teenagers began screaming pro-Obama slogans and tried to provoke Tea Party-ers into fights with in-your-face confrontations.

*Labor unions are widely known for violence, murder and corruption. Think Jimmy Hoffa, which is just the tip of the iceberg. Unions are closely associated with, or are part of organized crime, which is an arm of the Democrat party. We could write a book about this.

*Anti-gun liberals oppose lawful gun ownership, yet when criminals use guns to commit violent crimes, liberals try to get them off the hook while the conservative National Rifle Association seeks to have those criminals prosecuted for using firearms for illegal purposes.

*Liberals defend criminals and terrorists at every turn. Eric Holder’s justice department is said to have seven lawyers on its staff who defended Guantanamo Bay terror detainees. And now liberals are doing everything they can to incrementally allow Islamic sharia law into the US, and to defend other confrontational Islamic actions like the construction of a new mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.

*Left-wing college mobs routinely have used strong-arm censorship tactics and physical assault against conservative speakers as they did to the founder of the Minuteman border patrol group at Columbia University. Yet the same Columbia allowed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak peacefully. Ahmadinejad, the so-called ‘president’ of Iran, hates Israel, and wants to wipe out the Christian West with a violent Islamic holy war. Yet when one audience member “persistently questioned” Democrat US senator John Kerry a few years ago, the protester was tasered by police (“Don’t taze me, bro!) and Kerry allowed it to happen without protest.

*Enviro groups like Earth Liberation Front have committed hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to car dealerships, ski areas and logging operations to try and stop them from dong their work.

Many liberals are violent people. But they sucker in little old ladies and tree-hugging students to make their movement look like it is a peaceful one. It is not. The facts reveal this day after day.
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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 132216Unread post Blue Frost »

Always free speech until they disagree.

Belligerent Mob Assembles Outside Shapiro Penn State Speech, Issues Violent Threats: 'Come Out Here B*tch!'
[Photo by Peter Duke]
By: ... gn=dwbrand
Joshua Yasmeh
April 6, 2016

On Wednesday, conservative firebrand and Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro spoke to the hundreds of students crowded into a lecture hall at Penn State. Before the event even began, students formed large lines on campus, waiting outside to hear the conservative speaker. The speech was sponsored by the Young America’s Foundation as part of the Fred. R. Allen Freedom Lecture series.

As the president of Penn State Republicans began to introduce Shapiro, shouting began reverberating throughout the lecture hall. Throngs of social justice warriors decided to assemble outside raising their voices in protest.

“I find it astonishing when people decide to yell outside,” Shapiro remarked, as a mob of protesters attempted to drown out his voice with chants, screams, and high-pitched yelling. “The attempt to shut down open debate is the mark of ideological fascists," said Shapiro, calling the riotous action the “hall of fame of stupidity.”

“The attempt to shut down open debate is the mark of ideological fascists."

Ben Shapiro

Amidst the intermittent eruptions outside, Shapiro proceeded to calmly explain the themes of his speech. A few words in, the mob shouted in unison: “Let us in!” The students inside appeared visibly rattled. With the increasingly forceful and disruptive demands of the mob outside, it was easy to forget you were on an American college campus. Again, the mob issued their demand: “Let us in!”

Defiantly, Shapiro replied: “No!”

“No.” @benshapiro to protestors who are chanting demands outside the lecture hall at Penn State. #YAFonCampus
— YAF (@yaf) April 7, 2016

Recalling a similar experience at Cal State University Los Angeles, Shapiro quipped, “These protesters are nothing; you should have been at Cal State... they barricaded themselves and assaulted people.” It “was almost a riot,” he added.

The speaker, however, pointed to one key difference here. “Unlike” Cal State LA, here “the administration helped set up the lecture.”

Again, the pulsating sound of chanting invaded the room. “Shut it down,” the protesters yelled from outside the lecture hall. “Shut it down!”

Shapiro used the disruption as an instructional moment. They’re “proving my point” about Leftist fascist tactics to suppress free speech, he noted. “No, I didn’t hire these people.”

Shortly after that pronouncement, situational irony settled in. A girl with a disturbingly high-pitched voice broke into the lecture hall and shouted “Stop!” When the crowd giggled, she tried again “Stop!”

“Doesn’t she have a quilt to knit or something,” Shapiro joked, pointing to her seemingly disheveled faux-fashionable hipster visage.

The protesters appeared to be popping out of random doors of the lecture hall. “It’s fun. It’s like whack a mole,” he added, making light of an increasingly tense situation. “You never know which exit they’re coming out of.”

Next came shouts of “Black Lives Matter,” compounding the effects of a seemingly endless loop of repetitive chanting.

“It is mildly disrupting. I will say,” disclosed Shapiro, unable to project his voice above the collective cacophony outside.

Before long, things suddenly escalated. A few protesters broke through the doors again. This time, it was a group of young men. As security quickly scrambled to thwart a potential stampede into the room one man shouted, “Come out here bitch!”

The insults and threats continued pouring out from outside until security guards neutralized the situation and sealed the doors.

The crowd went silent. Shapiro did his best to maintain his composure. “Security issue,” he explained, alleviating the palpable anxiety in the room.

If it wasn’t for the battalion of private security guards and university police, Shapiro would have likely been assaulted or worse. The congregation of students inside appeared to be at risk as well.

Thankfully, the security team responded swiftly, mitigating the clear threat.

When Shapiro began speaking again, the Leftist menagerie of student-activists and social justice warriors activated Plan B: noise pollution. Banging on the doors aggressively, the mob outside attempted to flood the room with noise. The synchronized banging had an ominous religious tone to it. It was as if every word uttered by Shapiro was an act of blasphemy.

Nonetheless, Shapiro diffused the tension in the room yet again with a light-hearted quip. “Do they assign homework at this school?” Shapiro asked facetiously.

“Do they give homework at this school?” asks @benshapiro at Penn State as protestors chant outside the lecture hall and pound on the door.
— YAF (@yaf) April 7, 2016

Concluding his speech, Shapiro asserted: “It makes them feel good, this sense of victimhood...doing violence to your political opponent.”

When asked during the Q&A session about the complications of confronting Leftism fascism, Shapiro answered, "You have to walk into the fire."
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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 132676Unread post Blue Frost »

Yes if you are liberal you support this stuff being pushed, you are against freedom.
Just a little here, and there adds up over time, and then you wake up saying how did we get here, well it was you giving it up little by little making excuses for we need this, he shouldn't say that, ban this, ban that, shut him up. :wacko:

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 133589Unread post Blue Frost »

She needs fired, she is a crybaby idiot that don't deserve a job teaching.
Police should fine her for wasting tax payers money, and taking them away from their job.
The Gestapo mentality of liberals need shot down asap.


The conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos was making an appearance at American University this week when a professor showed up and called the police because she doesn’t like conservatives.

Things didn’t work out too well for her.

Robby Soave reports at Reason:

At Milo Yiannopoulos Protest, Prof’s Hassling of Journalists Backfires After She Calls Cops

An American University faculty member attempted to make life difficult for journalists covering a campus protest last night, but her plan went awry after she called the police.

The Washington Examiner’s Ashe Schow was at AU last night reporting on Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopolous’ visit to campus. (Schow tells me she was there on behalf of a forthcoming documentary, Thought Police, and was not representing The Examiner.) Yiannopoulos is a deliberately controversial figure, and his presence on campus prompted a student protest.

A female faculty member—now dubbed Melissa Click 2.0–tried to interfere, telling Schow and her camera crew that they were required to accompany her inside. They had to follow “certain regulations that the university is guided by” because AU is providing “a safe space for everybody who works or studies on this campus,” she claimed.

After the faculty member realized Schow’s group was recording her, she became hostile. “Are you kidding me?” she asked. “Seriously, I’m calling the police.”

The police didn’t immediately respond to her call. Later, when the cops did appear, the faculty member expected them to escort the journalists off campus. Instead, they wanted to have a chat with the faculty member, according to Breitbart News.

“The police came over and she thought they were going to save her but actually they escorted HER away,” Schow wrote on Twitter.

College Professor Calls Cops On Conservatives – But Her Plan Backfires BIG TIME (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Apr 23rd, 2016 8:31 am Leave a Comment

Guest post by Aleister
American University prof

The conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos was making an appearance at American University this week when a professor showed up and called the police because she doesn’t like conservatives.

Things didn’t work out too well for her.

Robby Soave reports at Reason:

At Milo Yiannopoulos Protest, Prof’s Hassling of Journalists Backfires After She Calls Cops

An American University faculty member attempted to make life difficult for journalists covering a campus protest last night, but her plan went awry after she called the police.

The Washington Examiner’s Ashe Schow was at AU last night reporting on Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopolous’ visit to campus. (Schow tells me she was there on behalf of a forthcoming documentary, Thought Police, and was not representing The Examiner.) Yiannopoulos is a deliberately controversial figure, and his presence on campus prompted a student protest.

A female faculty member—now dubbed Melissa Click 2.0–tried to interfere, telling Schow and her camera crew that they were required to accompany her inside. They had to follow “certain regulations that the university is guided by” because AU is providing “a safe space for everybody who works or studies on this campus,” she claimed.

After the faculty member realized Schow’s group was recording her, she became hostile. “Are you kidding me?” she asked. “Seriously, I’m calling the police.”

The police didn’t immediately respond to her call. Later, when the cops did appear, the faculty member expected them to escort the journalists off campus. Instead, they wanted to have a chat with the faculty member, according to Breitbart News.

“The police came over and she thought they were going to save her but actually they escorted HER away,” Schow wrote on Twitter.

Here’s a video from the incident:

It’s so sweet that she was taken away by the cops.

More of this, please.
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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 133831Unread post Blue Frost »

More mental illness

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 133833Unread post Blue Frost »

Yeah typical, blame Trump for liberal bad behavior.

Anti-Trump Protester Pepper Sprays Little Girls in the Face

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 134409Unread post Blue Frost »

Make America Mexico again, yeah make it a crap hole they ran away from. :roll:

O'Reilly: Far Left Violence Out of Control
Screenshot: Fox News [Screenshot: Fox News]
James Barrett
May 3, 2016

On "The O'Reilly Factor" Monday, host Bill O'Reilly blasted the "out of control" violence from the far left, pointing to the vulgar and violent displays over the last few days, including the leftist rioters in Seattle, the violent pro-immigrant protesters in California, and the rows of Hispanic children screaming "F*** you!" at Trump supporters in Indiana.

"Yesterday in Seattle a May Day, anti-capitalism protest turned violent," said O'Reilly, while footage of the chaos in Seattle played. "A number of police officers were injured, one hit by a Molotov cocktail. Some protesters were arrested, but nothing will really happen to them.

"In California and Indiana, protests included young children," said O'Reilly, cueing- footage from an anti-Trump rally in the streets of Fort Wayne, Indiana, where pro-immigrant/anti-Trump activists apparently encouraged young children to engage in vulgar displays to push their radical agenda.

"F*** you!" the children yelled at passersby while they flicked them off. Other footage from the protests in Indiana and Southern California showed pro-immigrant/anti-Trump activists waving Mexican flags and signs that read "Make "America Mexico Again" and "Brown Pride."

"Now that's just disgraceful to have those kids out there. Disgraceful," said O'Reilly.

"Now protesting can be a good thing, think Boston Tea Party," he continued. "But it's how you do it. Certainly some voting for Donald Trump are protesting, but they are using the ballot. Some on the far left, however, want to destroy, not protest. The subversives in Seattle were organized and planned their mayhem. But again, the local system out there is so off the chart left, little will happen to these people even though they hurt police officers. There comes a point when a political movement becomes destructive, and that point has been reached with the far left."

O'Reilly then went on to give a "personal example," a "dustup" involving his colleague Jesse Watters and a "far left zealot" Huffington Post reporter, Ryan Grim, who O'Reilly said "provoked" Watters at the White House Correspondents' Dinner this weekend. O'Reilly connected alleged Grim's provocation to the thuggish nature of the left.

As O'Reilly noted, the anti-Trump protest in California last Thursday quickly devolved into a riot, with leftist protesters vandalizing multiple police and citizen vehicles, hurling rocks and debris at cars and people (resulting in one pro-Trump blogger having to get six stitches for a head wound), and even injuring a police horse. Here's footage posted by InfoWars on the anti-Trump protest in Cosa Mesa last week (warning: uncensored):
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Post: # 135313Unread post Blue Frost »

More mental illness by the liberal media, and it's followers.

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Post: # 136130Unread post Blue Frost »

This is how retarded, and delusional the leftist education is. Blame Whites, blame better education, blame succeeding.

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Post: # 136135Unread post Blue Frost »

Yeah he cares about the kids, maybe his own.

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Violent Liberals, Mentally Ill, Brainwashed

Post: # 136220Unread post Blue Frost »

Go ahead, make excuses for them !

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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 137780Unread post Me. »

John Wayne on Liberals 1975

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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138232Unread post Blue Frost »

Here you go, the libtards caused all of this along with Target trying to make them happy.
Stop this crap you idiots.

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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138291Unread post Gary Oak »

If a man speaks in the forest and there isn't a feminist there to hear him speak.... is he still wrong ?
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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138372Unread post Twilight turtle »

Blue Frost wrote:Here you go, the libtards caused all of this along with Target trying to make them happy.
Stop this crap you idiots.

Frosty, I wouldn't be a customer of that store. Funny, so being PC is now costing them money. Those mixed changing rooms will soon go I bet.
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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138468Unread post Blue Frost »

This is a good one, the people are so messed up in their heads they would believe anything the left tells them. Total retardation.

Gay Pride Parade Unveils INSANE Anti-Republican Banner After Democrat Jihadist Kills 49 At Gay Nightclub ... gn=dwbrand

At Sunday’s Gay Pride Parade in New York City, the gay community boasted a rainbow banner with the words “Republican Hate Kills" plastered across it—a remarkable testimony to the masterful manipulation of the gay community by the left.

Gay community responds to the the Muslim Democrat vetted by Obama FBI three times who went on to kill 49 for ISIS.
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 27, 2016

Mind you, it's been mere weeks since a Hillary-supporting registered Democrat jihadist murdered 49 gays on behalf of ISIS, an Islamic terrorist group which successfully metastasized under Democratic President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Oh, and the murderer was investigated and released by the FBI two times, thanks in large part to this Democratic administration's half-hearted, side-mouthed "see something, say something" plea while simultaneously condemning those who "say something" as racist xenophobes, i.e. the "Clock Boy" fiasco.

Somehow, Democrats have successfully pinned Republicans as the scapegoats for their utter failure to address (heck, even acknowledge) radical Islam; they have disturbingly equated the refusal of the occasional Christian baker from baking a gay wedding cake to the massacring of gays at a nightclub in the name of Allah.

Though not all gays buy the narrative, many have bought into the lie hook, line and sinker.

This was revealed again just last week when gays gathered in NYC for a vigil for the Orlando massacre victims and publicly blamed "Republican hate," and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in particular, for the terrorist attack.

Democrats will no doubt continue to push this asinine narrative for political cover and gain; and many gays will continue to buy in, wearing "Queers against Islamophobia" pins and ignoring the greatest threat to the gay community: radical Islam.

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Blue Frost
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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138643Unread post Blue Frost »

"Being alone isn't what hurts. It's when the people around you make you feel alone" ~ Naruto Uzumaki, an Anime Character
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Blue Frost
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Re: Violent Liberals, Or Just Mentaly Ill ?

Post: # 138644Unread post Blue Frost »

Yeah they care about the kids, :kez:
People need fired, starting with the libtard school officials, and next the police involved.

"Being alone isn't what hurts. It's when the people around you make you feel alone" ~ Naruto Uzumaki, an Anime Character
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