Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

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Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 14163Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy:

On Thursday's show, author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed evidence for Nephilim in the Americas including skeletons of giants unearthed in the U.S., and archeological formations which pre-date Native American culture. He also shared an update on how current events are shaping up to fulfill biblical prophecy. He announced that he's looking for someone to assist him in filing a Freedom of Information request, regarding the Smithsonian Institution's confiscation of the bones of giants from the Ohio Valley around the end of the 19th century. He wants to take some DNA sampling of the bones, that may have belonged to the Nephilim (fallen angels). Citing the research of Fritz Zimmerman (who'll be speaking with Marzulli at the upcoming Nephilim Mounds Conference), bones of the giants found in the Ohio mounds were said to be from beings who were 7 to 12 feet in height, with six-fingered hands, double rows of teeth, and red hair.

Further, there are accounts of giants' remains on Catalina Island-- in the 1920s-30s, mounds were exhumed there, and bones of giants who were in some sort of battle were found, and yet again the bones were secreted away, Marzulli continued. The reason the bones are kept from the public is that they go against Darwinian theory, and are not entirely human, he suggested. Many of the mound sites in Ohio have been covered up, with buildings constructed on top of them, he added.

Marzulli spoke about a coming great deception (as prophesied in the Bible), which could involve the creation of a new race of Nephilim-- people who take the "Mark of the Beast" may be offered the chance to live hundreds of years, disease free. The alien implants studied by Dr. Roger Leir may be a prototype for the 'Mark,' capable of changing a person's DNA, he said. Additionally, Marzulli shared accounts of sinister Black-Eyed Children (related article), NDEs, and Torah Codes.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 14165Unread post Blue Frost »

There was Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their wives. (Genesis 6:18-21)(1Peter 3:20/ 2Peter 2:5)
What did the giants do in the great flood since the 8 on the ark didn't take them ?
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 14171Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

The Ark was real?
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 14173Unread post Blue Frost »

If Nephilim, and Giants was in the lands after the flood how did they survive.
The bible says only 8 people survived, and the animals on the Ark
My belief though is that there was a few arks, and many floods at the end of the ice age, but no world flood.
Just rising sea levels drowning much of our history.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 15975Unread post Gary Oak »

There are archeologists who consider the Bagavad Gita and the book of Enoch to be historical records. Facts like the numerous cases of DNA recovered from dinosaurs seems to back up their claims. I mean DNA doesn't last 65 million years
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 15978Unread post Blue Frost »

With any book can be some real history, but a lot of it is embellished with mans imagination, hopes, and fears.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 16579Unread post Gary Oak »

It is interesting to me that native Americans had legends of red haired giants, Indias Bagavad Gita talks about giants before the flood as did the book on Enoch which was taken out of the bible though Jesus refered even to this book. It appears to me that if this is true then a gigantic coverup has been taking place possibly for centuries as if this is true then there would be evidence and this evidence must be being covered up as many believe. If this is true then everything we think we know about pre Egypt and Sumerian history are blatant lies.

Giant Skeletons Found in Alaska
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 16580Unread post Blue Frost »

My Indian ancestors come from an area that had light skinned Blue eyed people, might be why I'm pasty lol.
A lot of Indians in the east used Red Ocher, Illinois, Great lakes region, and the Midwest.
They painted themselves with the stuff, and many of the tribes are lighter skinned. The Cherokee people was also known as the pretty people being they was light, and tall.

Good to see you Gary :cool2;
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22767Unread post Gary Oak »

Now one can't believe everything one finds on the internet but what about Satanic Ritual Abuse ? I dismissed that as perposterous until I heard of my long time friends childhood experiences from 6 to 11 and then the retired rehab worker telling me that she has come accross hundreds of junkies who experienced it. I imagine they are all traumatised as that one friend it. I found another guy who also told me how common it is. Now what I am getting at qwith this topic shich is covered on the Satanism thread is that it is unbelievable by conventional thinking yet it not only goes on is gigantic. It is a gigantic lie that it isn't going on. Now what I am getting at is if I am correct then the prehistory that we are all convinced is correct also is a giant lie. If the bible is correct then there literally were giants. As a shriner told a friend of mine. "What they show in the movies is often true" Well this isn't a word for word quote but it does have the same meaning. What I am getting at is then at teh end of Raidersw Of The Lost Ark the ark is put in a big warehouse. Could it actually be that they were showing us what they actually do with these artifacts that reveal things that we aren't supposed to know...yet ? Could it be that Galileo discovery that the earth actually goes around the sun actually was known to the elite but their time for this knowledge to get out wasn't ready yet ? These are just ideas. As Chris Patton wrote in his best seller book East And West one doesn't get to the best ideas without looking at all the ideas
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22802Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

The Bible talked about big foots too. I guess some stuff in the Bible were historic stuff.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22804Unread post Blue Frost »

Alright where is Bigfoot in the bible :scratch:
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22838Unread post Gary Oak »

I think I too will have to see that scripture before I believe it
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22851Unread post Blue Frost »

I looked up, and some assume wrongly that either Cain, or Esau is the father of Bigfoot.
Esau was father of the Edomites, in the hill country of Seir in the bible.
Cain had sons, one named Enoch, but not the Enoch that was famed for walking with God.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22863Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

Maybe bible had many UFo and alien stuff. Maybe Mose did not split the river. It was the help of aliens with technology. Of course at the time people thought they were seeing god.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22867Unread post Gary Oak »

Alexander The Great [ father killer ] had UFO's aid him in if my memory serves me correctly India.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22870Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

Hmm, interesting.

What was that horn that shattered walls? It was probably emitted from a craft.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 22910Unread post Gary Oak » ... ufo-story/

Well it appears that they had used some kind of beam weapon.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 26246Unread post Tribrid Vampire »

Stone Structures & Giants:

Stonemason and historical detective, Jim Vieira, discussed the ceremonial stone structures of North America as well as how the archaeological evidence for giants in America has been covered up. "There are structures of earth and stone, thousands of years old, in every part of the United States," Vieira marveled. While he has found over 10,000 stone mounds around Massachusetts alone, he lamented that many great works were dismantled during colonial times as settlers used the materials for their roads and bridges. For instance, Vieira cited an archaeologist's report of a 55-foot high stone pyramid in Illinois that had been plundered by colonists, who removed "tens of thousands of cartloads of stone."

Regarding giants in America, Vieira explained that, while searching through old town histories in Massachusetts for information on stone structures, he stumbled upon remarkable accounts of anomalous human skeletons being discovered. According to the reports from the time, the skeletons ranged from 7 to 11 feet tall and had skulls which sported double rows of teeth. "There are thousands of these accounts," Vieira said, "by doctors, scientists, anthropologists, archaeologists, farmers and over decades and decades of time all around the country." These skeletons, he added, were often found within the mysterious stone mounds and, sometimes, were sometimes buried amongst great treasures.

Vieira attributed the suppression of information on the ancient American giants to the Smithsonian Institute, specifically their first director of anthropology Ales Hrdlicka. Described by Vieira as a "pre-Nazi eugenicist," Hrdlicka allegedly censored reports of giants and marginalized them from the historic record in order to depict Native Americans as "unsophisticated and uninspiring." Additionally, Vieira reported that there are many accounts of Smithsonian representatives traveling around the country to where these anomalous remains were discovered and "taking the giant skeletons away, never to be seen again." Ultimately, he contended that the cover up continues to this day and claimed that a video presentation on his findings was pulled from the Internet because it threatened the scientific orthodoxy.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 26249Unread post Blue Frost »

We are our worst enemies when it comes to archeology, like the pyramids of Egypt the outer casing has been stripped to build with. Such a shame really the unknown wonders we will never know about.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 26840Unread post Gary Oak » ... exico.html

I wonder what a forensic reconstruction of these skulls would look like ? if these skulls aren't similar to native skulls then maybe we are on to something
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