Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 125054Unread post Blue Frost »

This is interesting if interested in this stuff. :think:
Corrupted flesh, mythology, spirits, demons .
Sorry I see most of all this as speculation, and mythology.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 125217Unread post Gary Oak »

I think that many discoveries that don't fit with what "they" want us to believe are being covered up.

Breaking News Archeologists Have Made A Nephilim Discovery

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 125218Unread post Blue Frost »

Nope, not so, just a small humanoid, little brain, and not that great of a specimen to be called great.
Just a relative of man ... uth-Africa
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133878Unread post Gary Oak »

I do believe that this topic also could have been appropriately posted on the Forbidden History thread.

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes
(Read the article on one page)
By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times

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Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white giants who were wiped out. We’ll take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru.
Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book “History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians”: “The tradition of the Choctaws . . . told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now State of Tennessee, and with whom their ancestors fought when they arrived in Mississippi in their migration from the west. … Their tradition states the Nahullo (race of giants) was of wonderful stature.”
A Choctaw stick-ball player, depicted by George Catlin in 1834.
A Choctaw stick-ball player, depicted by George Catlin in 1834. (Public Domain)
Cushman said “Nahullo” came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when they first crossed the Mississippi River. The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity arose.
Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857: “Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising to the setting sun. Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities situated in the intervening valleys.
“They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in all manner of cunning handicraft—were brave and warlike—ruling over the land they had wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand. Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms. …”
The chief explained that when this race forgot justice and mercy and became too proud, the Great Spirit wiped it out and all that was left of their society were the mounds still visible on the tablelands. This account was documented by Dr. Donald “Panther” Yates , a researcher and author of books on Native American history, on his blog.
Lovelock Cave: A Tale of Giants or A Giant Tale of Fiction?
Giant 7 – 8 Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador sent for Scientific Testing
The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged A Lost Race of Giants
Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajo legend, describing them as: “A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West, enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas. They were either extinguished or ‘went back to the heavens.'”
In 1864, Pedro de Cieza de León wrote in “Chronicle of Peru” about legendary giants described to him by the Manta indigenous people: “There are, however, reports concerning giants in Peru, who landed on the coast at the point of Santa Elena. … The natives relate the following tradition, which had been received from their ancestors from very remote times.
“There arrived on the coast, in boats made of reeds, as big as large ships, a party of men of such size that, from the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height of an ordinary man, though he might be of good stature. Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders. Their eyes were as large as small plates.”
León said that the sexual habits of the giants were revolting to the Natives and heaven eventually wiped out the giants because of those habits.
The Paiutes are said to have an oral tradition that told of red-haired, white, cannibals about 10 feet tall who lived in or near what is now known as Lovelock Cave in Nevada. It is unclear whether this “oral tradition” about the so-called Sitecah giants existed or if it was an exaggeration or distortion of their legends made after the Paiutes were mostly killed or dispersed in 1833 by an expedition by explorer Joseph Walker.
Brian Dunning of Skeptoid explored Paiutes legends and found no mention of the Sitecah being giants. It seems there was, however, a people who practiced cannibalism and who lived in Lovelock Cave. Human remains have been found there, and a few of the human bones had the marrow removed, suggesting the marrow was eaten. Cannibalism seems to have been a rare practice among these peoples, however.
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Miners unearthed the artifacts in 1912, leaving them in a pile before eventually contacting the University of California. Anthropologist Llewellyn L. Loud traveled from the university to the site to investigate. It is commonly agreed that excavation of the site was not handled well and certainly not up to modern standards. But some proponents of the Sitecah giants theory say researchers have deliberately covered up any giant remains found there.
Featured image: Navajo Hogan, Monument Valley ( public domain ). Navajo legends speak of the Starnake, a race of white giants.
The article ‘ Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes ’ was originally published on The Epoch Times and has been republished with permission.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133889Unread post Blue Frost »

You are talking about things that are forbidden alright, native Americans as they are called try their best to hide things like that.
Like one of the tribes here are Jewish, others with blue eyes before the white man came here supposedly.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133933Unread post Gary Oak »

The hindu religious text Bagavad Gita and the Book of Enoch both mentioned giants before the flood and described the preflood world.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133935Unread post Blue Frost »

The Blue Gods in India are thought to have been a race of huge people that where really blue.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133937Unread post Gary Oak »

That's very interesting. I wish I had time to look into that. I have to eat and get ready for work.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133938Unread post Blue Frost »

Well enjoy the food, and work if you can :) I read about it years back, maybe there is more now.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133943Unread post Gary Oak »

Will do, It's the last day of the work week ! Hooray ! :cheer: :stars: :happy: :margarita: :margarita2: :sex: :blues: :harp: :fiddle: :accordion: :violin: :sax: :bass: :composer: :piano: :yay:
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 133945Unread post Blue Frost »

Well that's more good news :) get some sun maybe, and enjoy life.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 136347Unread post Gary Oak »

I have belied for some time now that there is a concerted effort to keep under wraps any proof of the flood and the strange world that existed before it.

The Cemetery Of The Giants

"There were giants in the earth in those days..." Gen 6:4

It seems that mankind has questioned the reality of the existence of giants at least since giants were mentioned in Genesis.

Nearly every place around the world has legends of giants dwelling in the land. Greek and Roman mythology mentions the Titans and Norse mythology contains stories of the Frost giants of Jötunheim.

Well known first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about the history of the Jewish War in 79 AD and spoke of giants:

"There were giants. Much larger and shaped differently than normal people. Terrible to behold!"

Many of these stories are not limited to the ancient past but are also part of our more recent history.

When Abraham Lincoln made his first visit to Niagara Falls in 1848, he wrote of giants in his notes:

When Columbus first sought this continent - when Christ suffered on the cross - when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea - nay, even when Adam first came from the land of his Maker - then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara..."

In his autobiography, "Buffalo" Bill Cody wrote the following words about a legend recounted to him by members of the Sioux tribe.

It was taught by the wise men of this tribe that the earth was originally peopled by giants, who were fully three times the size of modern men. They were so swift and powerful that they could run alongside a buffalo, take the animal under one arm, and tear off a leg, and eat it as they ran. So vainglorious were they because of their own size and strength that they denied the existence of a Creator. When it lighted, they proclaimed their superiority to the lightning; when it thundered, they laughed.

This displeased the Great Spirit, and to rebuke their arrogance he sent a great rain upon the earth. The valleys filled with water, and the giants retreated to the hills. The water crept up the hills, and the giants sought safety on the highest mountains. Still the rain continued, the waters rose, and the giants, having no other refuge, were drowned.

It is interesting that much of giant lore includes descriptions of a flood sent by God (or the gods) to destroy these wicked people. Could it be that while the Bible contains the true history of our past, these groups are simply repeating their own distorted versions of world history prior to and perhaps after the dispersion at Babel?

Many such stories contain exaggerations but is it reasonable to automatically reject every one of these traditions, or, like most legends, is there possibly some truth behind the them, as is often the case?

The Biblical support for the existence of giants is overwhelming although many details as to their nature and number are still debated. What is perhaps more controversial today is the quest to find giants remains.
image: ... reedvd.jpg

Many claims of giant skeletons have been made over the past few centuries, especially in the nineteenth century.

One such place can be found in Ecuador known as the "The Cemetery of the Giants".

Father Carlos Vaca was a priest in Ecuador in 1964 when villagers contacted him to examine some strange bones that had been found. The bones were eventually taken to Austria for further analysis and would be featured in an exhibit, Unsolved Mysteries.

The bones were deemed to be human and samples contained a complete shinbone. Whoever belonged to the skeleton stood at a whopping 7.6 meters tall (25 feet). The site of the skeletal discoveries was named Cemetery of the Giants by the locals.

Almost fifty years later, a 2012 exploration team discovered an ancient pyramid network in the Ecuadorian-Amazon jungle, a site unknown to anyone, including the locals. Author Bruce Fenton, also a researcher, believes the site is the Lost City of the Giants because of local legends of giants who once lived in the region and the giant tools found in the area.

An internet search of giant skeletons will prove futile because of the photo shopping over the years. Apparently some jokesters are determined to mock the many Biblical references to giants, because they deem the stories as mythology. However, discoveries continue.

Below the surface of Death Valley, a 1931 discovery unearthed human skeletons approximately nine feet tall.

A January 2015 discovery in Bulgaria at the site of the ancient Greek city Odessos came as no surprise to some of the locals. There was a 6,000-year history full of stories about giants. The accidental discovery of a skeleton described as "very tall" and "impressive" offered validity to the legends.

Giant footprints have been discovered all over the world. "Goliath's Footprint" in South Africa measures 4-feet. A 1926 edition of The Oakland Tribune reported 5-foot long footprints on a cliff in San Jose, California.

Christian researcher L.A. Marzulli has been at the forefront of leading the charge to explore such claims around the world and believes there is startling evidence to suggest that there has been a massive cover up of what he believes are the remains of giants.

Marzulli has teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create The Watchers series, a set of DVD documentaries examining many issues of the supernatural from a Christian worldview. His latest film, Watchers 10 is coming soon and explores the subject of giant remains more in-depth. You can learn more about it by viewing the trailer below.

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 138412Unread post Gary Oak »

They sure have been keeping the dead sea scrolls very secret and I don't believe that it is without reason. I wonder what else they have discoved written in them.

The Book of Giants found amid the Dead Sea Scrolls & the Destruction of the Nephilim

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 138415Unread post Blue Frost »

Giants in the land wasn't giants as in big from some studies, it was men of renown, great men that was over others.
Who knows though, there was some tall peoples.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 138541Unread post Gary Oak »

This does make a lot of sense. I also believe that these aliens and many other supernatural beings are inter dimensional and not form other planets and star systems. I also strongly suspect that Hollywood is deliberately promoting the extraterrestrial stories as a form of disinformation.

Angelic Genetics: Why the Nephilim were Physical Giants

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 138542Unread post Blue Frost »

Heaven has no evil so why come down for that. Also a so called physical giant 36 feet high, and higher as some say would not be able to have sex with woman, also the woman having a giant baby :kez:
Gotta think about this stuff. No evidence ever has been found, just ignorant speculation like they must have built the pyramids, and monolithic structures.
I don't buy this stuff at all as you may gather.
Skull binding, and hydrociflia isn't anything special either.

On a side note i was struck on a girl in middle school with 6 toes on her feet :wub: Vanessa.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 139959Unread post Gary Oak »

Watch and let me know what you think please.

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 139964Unread post Blue Frost »

I don't have any faith it's credible, there was on in England that was very similar that was a hoax.
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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 140580Unread post Gary Oak »

I do not believe that this is a hoax and I would bet that the elites do know a lot more about these creatures.

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Re: Nephilim, Giants, & Prophecy

Post: # 140594Unread post Blue Frost »

Not buying it still, not enough info, and i just don't trust those videos.

How about this ? :teehe:
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