Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198916Unread post Renee »

Odinson wrote: July 26th, 2022, 4:13 pm
Renee wrote: July 26th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Odinson wrote: July 25th, 2022, 3:18 pm Renee..

You and your sisters need to start voting right.

These things are not a threat to me... They are a threat to you.

The streets could be filled with serial-killing psychopaths, feral negroes and muslims... But I´ll survive. :laugh:
Good thing because the EU is rapidly becoming a Muslim caliphate. Pretty soon you white socialist fags will be the infidels in your own country.

The worst I have to deal with is some illegal beaners driving without a license... But they can cut my grass and rake my leaves if they want... :laugh: The upside is that Latinos are racist as fuck and they hate blacks. They even hate and discriminate against their own dark skinned kind.... They almost have a cast like social system where the lighter skinned you are the higher you are on the food chain. The really light skinned ones do their best to blend in with white society. You can't say that for the sand nigs that have flooded into Europe and the way the sand rats are breeding, you white socialist dopes will be an endangered species by the end of this century.
Technically the USA is already experiencing a shitty multicultural scenario.

You have just normalized the situation.
Bullshit. The US has been multicultural almost since it's inception.... It's not known as the "melting pot" for nothing. Our entire cultural development is based on immigration. In the 19th and early 20th centuries we took in millions of Europeans escaping war and Euro-trash shitholes. Now in the late 20th and 21st centuries it's Hispanic immigration. The difference is now immigration has been loosened to ridiculous levels. Anyone with a face can now just walk across our southern border and with the help of the liberal scum in our government, they can just basically bypass the immigration process.

BUT, unlike the Muslim and Afro-can refugees you Euros love to import by the millions, Hispanic or latino people coming to the US tend to integrate into North American culture and lifestyle a lot more readily than the ragheads in Europe do. We don't have the so-called Muslim "No-go" zones where even our police are afraid to enter. To be honest, the only places I feel truely unsafe are in black communities otherwise known as "da hood". And sad to say, those areas aren't multicultural...they are examples of the worst of the worst, home grown, social degeneracy the US has to offer.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198918Unread post Gary Oak »

I remember hitch hiking in Kansas and got lost in the Kansas City hood. At least twice people warned me that someone gets killed there almost every day there. I was clearly what I now refer to as a clueless wonder. I was one of the lucky ones fortunately to come out of there no worse for wear.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198931Unread post Blue Frost »

LOL, been in part of Louisville like that Gary, but I went there intentionally a few times.
I was actually spying on someone for someone, the people just gave me bad looks.
The really strange part is it being about 2 am you would see people walking in the streets like zombies, kids even.
I acted like I was going to run over them when I was driving, they could move fast sometimes while cursing me. :laugh:
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198933Unread post Odinson »

Renee wrote: July 27th, 2022, 11:46 am
Odinson wrote: July 26th, 2022, 4:13 pm
Renee wrote: July 26th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Odinson wrote: July 25th, 2022, 3:18 pm Renee..

You and your sisters need to start voting right.

These things are not a threat to me... They are a threat to you.

The streets could be filled with serial-killing psychopaths, feral negroes and muslims... But I´ll survive. :laugh:
Good thing because the EU is rapidly becoming a Muslim caliphate. Pretty soon you white socialist fags will be the infidels in your own country.

The worst I have to deal with is some illegal beaners driving without a license... But they can cut my grass and rake my leaves if they want... :laugh: The upside is that Latinos are racist as fuck and they hate blacks. They even hate and discriminate against their own dark skinned kind.... They almost have a cast like social system where the lighter skinned you are the higher you are on the food chain. The really light skinned ones do their best to blend in with white society. You can't say that for the sand nigs that have flooded into Europe and the way the sand rats are breeding, you white socialist dopes will be an endangered species by the end of this century.
Technically the USA is already experiencing a shitty multicultural scenario.

You have just normalized the situation.
Bullshit. The US has been multicultural almost since it's inception.... It's not known as the "melting pot" for nothing. Our entire cultural development is based on immigration. In the 19th and early 20th centuries we took in millions of Europeans escaping war and Euro-trash shitholes. Now in the late 20th and 21st centuries it's Hispanic immigration. The difference is now immigration has been loosened to ridiculous levels. Anyone with a face can now just walk across our southern border and with the help of the liberal scum in our government, they can just basically bypass the immigration process.

BUT, unlike the Muslim and Afro-can refugees you Euros love to import by the millions, Hispanic or latino people coming to the US tend to integrate into North American culture and lifestyle a lot more readily than the ragheads in Europe do. We don't have the so-called Muslim "No-go" zones where even our police are afraid to enter. To be honest, the only places I feel truely unsafe are in black communities otherwise known as "da hood". And sad to say, those areas aren't multicultural...they are examples of the worst of the worst, home grown, social degeneracy the US has to offer.
I mean the multicultural crime situation..

A woman getting decapitated by a feral baboon is just a slow hour at the precinct in the USA... Hardly mentioned in the news.

Or a mother of three getting killed by a feral negro for no apparent reason at all.

You do have many areas where the cops are unable or unwilling to enforce the law efficiently.

You think its normal.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198937Unread post Blue Frost »

Most the time it's not the cops Odi, it's the Soros owned DA's, and Judges.
The cops are told not to arrest criminal's, and most cops don't want extra paperwork anyhow.
And don't forget totally ran Democrat cities, the worst criminals are mostly in office.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198974Unread post Renee »

Odinson wrote: July 28th, 2022, 2:19 pm
Renee wrote: July 27th, 2022, 11:46 am
Odinson wrote: July 26th, 2022, 4:13 pm
Renee wrote: July 26th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Odinson wrote: July 25th, 2022, 3:18 pm Renee..

You and your sisters need to start voting right.

These things are not a threat to me... They are a threat to you.

The streets could be filled with serial-killing psychopaths, feral negroes and muslims... But I´ll survive. :laugh:
Good thing because the EU is rapidly becoming a Muslim caliphate. Pretty soon you white socialist fags will be the infidels in your own country.

The worst I have to deal with is some illegal beaners driving without a license... But they can cut my grass and rake my leaves if they want... :laugh: The upside is that Latinos are racist as fuck and they hate blacks. They even hate and discriminate against their own dark skinned kind.... They almost have a cast like social system where the lighter skinned you are the higher you are on the food chain. The really light skinned ones do their best to blend in with white society. You can't say that for the sand nigs that have flooded into Europe and the way the sand rats are breeding, you white socialist dopes will be an endangered species by the end of this century.
Technically the USA is already experiencing a shitty multicultural scenario.

You have just normalized the situation.
Bullshit. The US has been multicultural almost since it's inception.... It's not known as the "melting pot" for nothing. Our entire cultural development is based on immigration. In the 19th and early 20th centuries we took in millions of Europeans escaping war and Euro-trash shitholes. Now in the late 20th and 21st centuries it's Hispanic immigration. The difference is now immigration has been loosened to ridiculous levels. Anyone with a face can now just walk across our southern border and with the help of the liberal scum in our government, they can just basically bypass the immigration process.

BUT, unlike the Muslim and Afro-can refugees you Euros love to import by the millions, Hispanic or latino people coming to the US tend to integrate into North American culture and lifestyle a lot more readily than the ragheads in Europe do. We don't have the so-called Muslim "No-go" zones where even our police are afraid to enter. To be honest, the only places I feel truely unsafe are in black communities otherwise known as "da hood". And sad to say, those areas aren't multicultural...they are examples of the worst of the worst, home grown, social degeneracy the US has to offer.
I mean the multicultural crime situation..

A woman getting decapitated by a feral baboon is just a slow hour at the precinct in the USA... Hardly mentioned in the news.

Or a mother of three getting killed by a feral negro for no apparent reason at all.

You do have many areas where the cops are unable or unwilling to enforce the law efficiently.

You think its normal.
Again you are talking about black areas. I'm always packing if I need to go to anyplace like that.

We do have areas where the police have extreme difficulty enforcing the law and that is because we have cities and states run be liberals and progs who are soft on criminals. It has gotten worse since the ANTIFA and BLM scum have acted up and pos liberal asshats let the get away with their mayhem and destruction.

Libtards and their prog cronies are the PROBLEM and they are a problem everywhere you let them breed in great numbers.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198994Unread post Mel Gibson »

Odinson wrote: July 28th, 2022, 2:19 pm You think its normal.
You must understand that Americans are used to life with the negro, since they've always had them. It's what they've always known... Part of Americana.

Although I have no doubt they now wish they'd have just paid people to pick their god damned cotton! :laugh:

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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 198998Unread post Blue Frost »

Most blacks are pretty cool people, and all they want is what everyone else wants Mel.
The inner city trash you speak about are heavily mixed in with other good people they has to deal with them.

Here is the burbs there was not really many blacks until "urban renewal" moved white, and black trash away from the intercity.
What you see on TV is not real on the most part, and even the news makes it out to be a bigger issue than it is usually.
The major exception is places like Chicago, and Commiefornia, and democrat ran shitholes which majorly uses black for political gain.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199016Unread post Mel Gibson »

Blue Frost wrote: July 31st, 2022, 5:47 pm Most blacks are pretty cool people, and all they want is what everyone else wants Mel.
The inner city trash you speak about are heavily mixed in with other good people they has to deal with them.

Here is the burbs there was not really many blacks until "urban renewal" moved white, and black trash away from the intercity.
What you see on TV is not real on the most part, and even the news makes it out to be a bigger issue than it is usually.
The major exception is places like Chicago, and Commiefornia, and democrat ran shitholes which majorly uses black for political gain.
The problem is the US has so many George Groyd types creating havoc, and this is what the world sees time and time again... That said, I do know there are still some nice White areas left, at least for now...

Although I do know the 'powers that be' like shipping in undesirables to safe White regions. They just don't want us to have nice things it seems...
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199018Unread post Blue Frost »

The only way you can live mostly free from it is have the money so you can move there.
Most people can't even make ends meet for they can do that.
The Democrats with the welfare state even ships them into communities that are conservative so they can change voting demographics.
Obama got caught doing that in Florida, and other areas, and they continue still.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199066Unread post Odinson »

Renee wrote: July 30th, 2022, 8:06 pm
Odinson wrote: July 28th, 2022, 2:19 pm
Renee wrote: July 27th, 2022, 11:46 am
Odinson wrote: July 26th, 2022, 4:13 pm
Renee wrote: July 26th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Odinson wrote: July 25th, 2022, 3:18 pm Renee..

You and your sisters need to start voting right.

These things are not a threat to me... They are a threat to you.

The streets could be filled with serial-killing psychopaths, feral negroes and muslims... But I´ll survive. :laugh:
Good thing because the EU is rapidly becoming a Muslim caliphate. Pretty soon you white socialist fags will be the infidels in your own country.

The worst I have to deal with is some illegal beaners driving without a license... But they can cut my grass and rake my leaves if they want... :laugh: The upside is that Latinos are racist as fuck and they hate blacks. They even hate and discriminate against their own dark skinned kind.... They almost have a cast like social system where the lighter skinned you are the higher you are on the food chain. The really light skinned ones do their best to blend in with white society. You can't say that for the sand nigs that have flooded into Europe and the way the sand rats are breeding, you white socialist dopes will be an endangered species by the end of this century.
Technically the USA is already experiencing a shitty multicultural scenario.

You have just normalized the situation.
Bullshit. The US has been multicultural almost since it's inception.... It's not known as the "melting pot" for nothing. Our entire cultural development is based on immigration. In the 19th and early 20th centuries we took in millions of Europeans escaping war and Euro-trash shitholes. Now in the late 20th and 21st centuries it's Hispanic immigration. The difference is now immigration has been loosened to ridiculous levels. Anyone with a face can now just walk across our southern border and with the help of the liberal scum in our government, they can just basically bypass the immigration process.

BUT, unlike the Muslim and Afro-can refugees you Euros love to import by the millions, Hispanic or latino people coming to the US tend to integrate into North American culture and lifestyle a lot more readily than the ragheads in Europe do. We don't have the so-called Muslim "No-go" zones where even our police are afraid to enter. To be honest, the only places I feel truely unsafe are in black communities otherwise known as "da hood". And sad to say, those areas aren't multicultural...they are examples of the worst of the worst, home grown, social degeneracy the US has to offer.
I mean the multicultural crime situation..

A woman getting decapitated by a feral baboon is just a slow hour at the precinct in the USA... Hardly mentioned in the news.

Or a mother of three getting killed by a feral negro for no apparent reason at all.

You do have many areas where the cops are unable or unwilling to enforce the law efficiently.

You think its normal.
Again you are talking about black areas. I'm always packing if I need to go to anyplace like that.

We do have areas where the police have extreme difficulty enforcing the law and that is because we have cities and states run be liberals and progs who are soft on criminals. It has gotten worse since the ANTIFA and BLM scum have acted up and pos liberal asshats let the get away with their mayhem and destruction.

Libtards and their prog cronies are the PROBLEM and they are a problem everywhere you let them breed in great numbers.
Those areas are "no-go zones".

And you can commit a murder in there and probably get away with it since the cops dont have the resources to investigate them all.

European countries/citizens still react to these sorts of things which is why it seems like all hell is breaking loose.

But you are already living the multicultural hell.

In the past, towns/cities have been deserted by decent folks and businesses because the multicultural crime-wave.

You still have civil discourse and understanding towards the black thorn in your ass.

You waste your brain capacity caring about one dead negro while they kill many whites per year.

Drive-by shootings, negro thug culture, loonies free on the streets are normal things to you.

Putting bars on your homes windows is also normal to you.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199068Unread post Blue Frost »

I know about a family who had bars on there windows, the kids got burned up, and nobody could do anything about it.
I went to school with some kids bussed in from the black areas also, many of them burned all over, some because of bars.
Only knew of one house in my neighborhood growing up with bars, maybe because of people breaking in in that part of the area.
We had doors unlocked, and windows opened a lot when I was a kid, didn't worry much like today.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199071Unread post Renee »

Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 10:16 am
Those areas are "no-go zones".

And you can commit a murder in there and probably get away with it since the cops dont have the resources to investigate them all.

European countries/citizens still react to these sorts of things which is why it seems like all hell is breaking loose.

But you are already living the multicultural hell.

In the past, towns/cities have been deserted by decent folks and businesses because the multicultural crime-wave.

You still have civil discourse and understanding towards the black thorn in your ass.

You waste your brain capacity caring about one dead negro while they kill many whites per year.

Drive-by shootings, negro thug culture, loonies free on the streets are normal things to you.

Putting bars on your homes windows is also normal to you.
Get bent,... None of the things you have said are "NORMAL" to most American citizens. Everything you mentioned are products of or a direct result of the actions of libtards and progs. Furthermore, the civil unrest AKA "nigga riots" are recent developments spurred on and sanctioned by liberal socialist scum.

As I always say... LIBERALS are the PROBLEM.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199074Unread post Blue Frost »

Liberals are more than an issue now, they are the equivalent of gangrene killing a society from every direction now.
Europe is even worse, and asked for more letting the dirty hateful masses in from the middle east, and Africa.
Suicidal bunch of self loathing liberals.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199076Unread post Odinson »

Renee wrote: August 7th, 2022, 12:50 pm
Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 10:16 am
Those areas are "no-go zones".

And you can commit a murder in there and probably get away with it since the cops dont have the resources to investigate them all.

European countries/citizens still react to these sorts of things which is why it seems like all hell is breaking loose.

But you are already living the multicultural hell.

In the past, towns/cities have been deserted by decent folks and businesses because the multicultural crime-wave.

You still have civil discourse and understanding towards the black thorn in your ass.

You waste your brain capacity caring about one dead negro while they kill many whites per year.

Drive-by shootings, negro thug culture, loonies free on the streets are normal things to you.

Putting bars on your homes windows is also normal to you.
Get bent,... None of the things you have said are "NORMAL" to most American citizens. Everything you mentioned are products of or a direct result of the actions of libtards and progs. Furthermore, the civil unrest AKA "nigga riots" are recent developments spurred on and sanctioned by liberal socialist scum.

As I always say... LIBERALS are the PROBLEM.
If a woman gets dragged into a van by multicultural pearls, gang-raped and then decapitated... You wouldnt bat an eye.

Things are getting worse in Europe but they aint at the same level with the USA.

And yes the liberal policies do make the existing problem even worse.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199086Unread post Renee »

Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Renee wrote: August 7th, 2022, 12:50 pm
Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 10:16 am
Those areas are "no-go zones".

And you can commit a murder in there and probably get away with it since the cops dont have the resources to investigate them all.

European countries/citizens still react to these sorts of things which is why it seems like all hell is breaking loose.

But you are already living the multicultural hell.

In the past, towns/cities have been deserted by decent folks and businesses because the multicultural crime-wave.

You still have civil discourse and understanding towards the black thorn in your ass.

You waste your brain capacity caring about one dead negro while they kill many whites per year.

Drive-by shootings, negro thug culture, loonies free on the streets are normal things to you.

Putting bars on your homes windows is also normal to you.
Get bent,... None of the things you have said are "NORMAL" to most American citizens. Everything you mentioned are products of or a direct result of the actions of libtards and progs. Furthermore, the civil unrest AKA "nigga riots" are recent developments spurred on and sanctioned by liberal socialist scum.

As I always say... LIBERALS are the PROBLEM.
If a woman gets dragged into a van by multicultural pearls, gang-raped and then decapitated... You wouldnt bat an eye.

Things are getting worse in Europe but they aint at the same level with the USA.

And yes the liberal policies do make the existing problem even worse.
Yeah, remind me how many women were sexually assaulted in on New Years Eve in Germany a few years back?

Don't lecture me about "multicultural scum".
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199089Unread post Blue Frost »

So common over there they hide the numbers now, and don't say it was a middle eastern person, Muslim, or Black.
How about the stupid woman who let one live with her, and he raped her kid. :kez:
Oh, and the kid slave market going on in every major city in Europe thanks to liberals letting them in on mass.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199098Unread post Odinson »

They live in some kind of a different dimension than I do.

I cannot comprehend the mindset that leads to those actions.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199101Unread post Gary Oak »

They simply aren’t compatible with civilized society.
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Re: Dealt with a Black dude tonight...

Post: # 199102Unread post Odinson »

Renee wrote: August 7th, 2022, 9:44 pm
Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 2:25 pm
Renee wrote: August 7th, 2022, 12:50 pm
Odinson wrote: August 7th, 2022, 10:16 am
Those areas are "no-go zones".

And you can commit a murder in there and probably get away with it since the cops dont have the resources to investigate them all.

European countries/citizens still react to these sorts of things which is why it seems like all hell is breaking loose.

But you are already living the multicultural hell.

In the past, towns/cities have been deserted by decent folks and businesses because the multicultural crime-wave.

You still have civil discourse and understanding towards the black thorn in your ass.

You waste your brain capacity caring about one dead negro while they kill many whites per year.

Drive-by shootings, negro thug culture, loonies free on the streets are normal things to you.

Putting bars on your homes windows is also normal to you.
Get bent,... None of the things you have said are "NORMAL" to most American citizens. Everything you mentioned are products of or a direct result of the actions of libtards and progs. Furthermore, the civil unrest AKA "nigga riots" are recent developments spurred on and sanctioned by liberal socialist scum.

As I always say... LIBERALS are the PROBLEM.
If a woman gets dragged into a van by multicultural pearls, gang-raped and then decapitated... You wouldnt bat an eye.

Things are getting worse in Europe but they aint at the same level with the USA.

And yes the liberal policies do make the existing problem even worse.
Yeah, remind me how many women were sexually assaulted in on New Years Eve in Germany a few years back?

Don't lecture me about "multicultural scum".
Okay that was pretty bad... :laugh:

Usually the "victims" are the type of girls who hang-out with ragheads and N******.
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