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Dreams, sleeping, or for life

Posted: June 23rd, 2022, 1:06 pm
by Blue Frost
Just a thread for dreams since most of us had them, or have them.

My dream was to get a job, have a nice family, and all be happy, that was my life dream, but never happened.
I did have nephews, and nieces, they are close as i got to my nice family, I love them very much.

Now as for dreams at night, I have some odd ones, people would say nightmares for a lot of them.
I enjoy most the nightmares so they don't bother me unless it's to do with family being hurt.
Last night I was back working, had two of them back to back, both where upsetting as in made me angry.

I don't have many good dreams, maybe once in a while I will.
I was sitting in the woods in my last one at a table with a book, very peaceful.

So, any good ones for you, or bad, and did you get your life's dream ?

Re: Dreams, sleeping, or for life

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 2:04 am
by Gary Oak
I had a dream a while back that my favorite hairdresser had her clothes off ( she’s gorgeous ) and fortunately nobody woke me up. She looked as good with her clothes off as I could only imagine.

Re: Dreams, sleeping, or for life

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 1:51 pm
by Blue Frost
Gotta love pervy dreams :laugh:
I don't have many of those dreams, but did back when I was a teen.
I always woke up before the good parts. :facepalm: