The Poor Little Palestinians

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The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 22333Unread post Gary Oak »

I am seeing all these articles demonising Israel for fighting back against random targetting of Israeli civilians by the outraged liberal airhead community. Here's a few simple facts off of the top of my head

1] If all the aid tha Palestinians recieved was was devided equally among all Palestinians and not used for weapons to kill nonmuslims their would be enough for the Palestinians to live a very comfortable life without working on very large welfare cheques.

2] If they weren't so psycho to they extreme degree that it is suicidal to not have a wall separating them from the normal human beings then there obviously would not be a wall there in the first place. Don't blame the Israelis for buildning a wall. It is the Palestinians fault for making this wall an imperative necessity.

3] Palestinians have a nation called Jordan.

4 ] If Israel was handed over to them it would become a third world hellhole that they wwould all be trying to leave with months
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 22337Unread post Blue Frost »

Jordan was set up as part of Israel till the Arab league cried, and they backed out of the deal.
most the so called Palestinians which is a made up name for the people there was moved there by the Ottoman Turks, and their predecessors.
The native people consisted of anyone else that was already in country including Jews, and Christians.
Palestinians are not a real ethnicity, and the welfare you mention has as you said enabled them.

I guess I'm the wrong person to comment, I have a dislike for people who poke at a bear expecting not to get mauled.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 22344Unread post Gary Oak »

They go a little farther than that. They allow their kids to go throw stones at tanks. They get cash and get treated like heroes when their kids get killed getting the bleeding heart liberals to take their sides. It's their fault for allowing thier kids to get in deaths way and especially so when they send their kids out to throw stones at tanks and soldiers. These animals are evil
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 22345Unread post Blue Frost »

I know how they do, it's all for the lib media, and they learned to play them well.
The welfare needs cut off, and let them work for a living for a change. Enabling people breads a nasty soul.
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The Palestinian Authority's Inconvenient Truths

Post: # 28691Unread post Gary Oak »

The liberal lefty freaks who feel the Palestinians pain don't like to discuss these realities that Palestinian Christians have to contend with

The Palestinian Authority's Inconvenient Truths

The truth sometimes hurts; that is why the Palestinian Authority has been working hard to prevent the outside world from hearing about many occurrences that reflect negatively on its leaders or people.

In recent years, the Palestinian Authority leadership, often with the help of the mainstream media in the US and EU, has been successful in its effort to divert all attention only toward Israel.

Following are examples of some of the inconvenient truths that the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank do not want others to know about:

- Over 100 senior PLO and Fatah officials hold Israeli-issued VIP cards that grant them various privileges denied to most Palestinians. Among these privileges is the freedom to enter Israel and travel abroad at any time they wish. This privileging has existed since the signing of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO in 1993.

- Out of the 600 Christians from the Gaza Strip who arrived in the West Bank in the past two weeks to celebrate Christmas, dozens have asked to move to Israel because they no longer feel comfortable living under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

- Dozens of Christian families from east Jerusalem have moved to Jewish neighborhoods in the the city because they too no longer feel comfortable living among Muslims.

- Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank continue to summon and arrest political opponents, journalists and bloggers who dare to criticize the Palestinian leadership.

- The Palestinian Authority government, which has been complaining about a severe financial crisis for the past few months, just cancelled outstanding electricity debts for Palestinians in the West Bank. Palestinians pay their bills to the Arab Jerusalem Electric Company, which buys electricity from the Israeli Electric Company; the Palestinians have not been paying their electricity bills and many have been stealing electricity from their Arab company.

- Tens of thousands of Palestinian Authority civil servants in the Gaza Strip receive salaries to stay at home and not work. The practice has been in effect since Hamas seized control over the Gaza Strip in 2007.
According to Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf, the Palestinian Authority, which is funded mostly by American and European taxpayer money, spends around $120 million each month on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

- Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah faction has allocated more than one million dollars for celebrations marking the 48th anniversary of the "launching of the revolution" -- a reference to the first armed attack carried out by Fatah against Israel.

- Despite the calls for an economic boycott of Israel, more than 40,000 Palestinians have received permits to work in Israel. Moreover, another 15,000 Palestinians continue to work in Jewish settlements in spite of an official ban.

- Top PLO and Fatah officials continue to do their shopping in Israeli-owned businesses both in the West Bank and Israel. Last week, for example, a member of the PLO Executive Committee and his family were spotted shopping in Jerusalem's Malha mall. Of course, the PLO official did not forget to bring along his private driver and maid.

- The wife of a senior PLO official recently spent $20,000 for dental treatment in Tel Aviv at a time when there is no shortage of renowned Palestinian dentists in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Nablus.

These are only some of the inconvenient truths that the Palestinian Authority does not want the outside world to know. Palestinian journalists often avoid reporting about such issues out of concern for their safety or for "ideological" reasons. These journalists have been taught that it is forbidden to hang out the dirty laundry.

Western journalists, funders and decision-makers who deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict need to know that there are many truths being completely ignored or hidden from their eyes and ears.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 28693Unread post Blue Frost »

Hypocrisy isn't one of their faults are they Gary :laugh:
I just wonder why the Israelis let them do all that when they have the key :think:

The Christians are smart to move, but I have seen where the Jews in Israel treat them bad also.
I guess they don't kill them though.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 30046Unread post Gary Oak » ... ent-arafat

I thought Arafat[ the homo ] was only interested in blonde guys
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 30059Unread post Blue Frost »

I have nothing against gays at all, but a religion against gays, and so full of them I do.
If anyone is outwardly gay in Islam they are hanged, or worse, so they pretend they are good friends, or servants.
Little prepubescent boys are comely used for sexual pleasure in many of those Islamist countries.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 34907Unread post Gary Oak »

It always alarms me when I hear people stick up for the palestinians as if they are innocent victims. They target innocent civilians,palestinian christians,druze and anybody not muslim and palestinian woman don't naturally being muslim have it so good either. These are evil people and they have proven themselves too dangerous to be allowed in Jewish society like normal people are

What's This?

Palestinians' Double-Standards Exposed Again

Six days after Arafat Jaradat was found dead in Israel's Megiddo Prison, another detainee died in a Palestinian Authority prison in Jericho.

Jaradat's death triggered widespread condemnations not only from Palestinians but also from international human rights organizations and the United Nations.

"The United Nations expects an independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances of Mr Jaradat's death, the results of which should be made public as soon as possible," said Robert Serry, the UN Middle East peace envoy.

Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, issued a statement also calling for an international investigation into the death of 30-year-old Jaradat.

"The death of a prisoner during interrogation is always a cause for concern, but in this case, when Israel has shown a pattern and practise of prisoner abuse, the need for outside, credible investigation is more urgent than ever," Falk said in his statement.

The case of Jaradat has also won massive coverage in the international media, including BBC, Time, The Guardian and France 24. Even Jaradat's funeral drew scores of journalists from all around the world.

But when Ayman Samara, a 40-year-old Palestinian man, died in the Palestinian Authority's Jericho Prison a few days later, neither the UN nor the international media showed the slightest interest in his case.

Many Jerusalem-based Western journalists chose to ignore the story of Samara. Some claimed they were too busy to cover the death of the Palestinian man in Jericho Prison; others admitted their editors were simply not interested in this story because it was an "internal Palestinian issue."

In a further sign of double-standards, the UN has not called for an international and independent inquiry into the death of the Palestinian man in Jericho Prison. Nor have international human rights organizations, whose representatives reacted differently to the death of Jaradat in Israeli custody.

The Palestinian Authority has actively prevented Palestinian journalists from covering the mysterious death of Samara. One Palestinian reporter, who was caught interviewing people outside Jericho Prison, was even detained for several hours by Palestinian Authority security officers.

That the Palestinian Authority has been trying to prevent the media from covering the death of a detainee in one of its prisons is not surprising.

What is surprising -- and disturbing -- is that the UN, the international media and human rights organizations are willing to be complicit in this effort to prevent the outside world from learning about what is going on in Palestinian prisons in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Authority obviously finds the story of Samara to be embarrassing, especially on the eve of US President Barack Obama's visit to the region later this month.

The Palestinian Authority leadership would like Obama and the rest of the world to think that there are no human rights abuses in Palestinian prisons and that the only "bad guys" are the Israelis.

Once again, it has been proven that a story that reflects negatively on the Palestinian Authority leadership has no chance of finding its way to the international media.

At the same time, a story that reflects negatively on Israel will always be welcomed by representatives of the international media and human rights organizations, as well as the UN.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 34918Unread post Blue Frost »

I feel sorry for the woman, and children Palestinians, it's a shame they have to live the way they do because of ignorant men, and the horror of being put on the front line by them.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 34978Unread post Gary Oak » ... obama.html

These poor little Pal-ass-tinians are not only are trying to dictate to the president of the USA but they are threatening war too. These are just the kind of people that political correct types like to stick up for
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 34991Unread post Blue Frost »

The Nazi Muslim group is bringing another hate speech vote to the UK about insulting Islam, it failed to pass last time two years ago I believe, but it's back.
All I can say is to hell with them, and stop killing, and crying about cartoons, and teddy bears.
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Israel's Arabs In THe Army

Post: # 70748Unread post Gary Oak »

Israel is not racist against palestinians even though they are threatened by the muslim arabs 24 hours everyday. If muslims weren't inherantly evil then they too could be a part of Israeli society. Fortunately in Israel common sense does tend to prevail.

Push To Recruit Israel's Arab Christians In The Military Splits The Community
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Dozens of Israeli soldiers respectfully rose from their seats as the Israeli national anthem began playing. The tinny recording of "Hatikva," an ode to the Jewish yearning for the Land of Israel, wrapped up a ceremony, held in Hebrew, during which speakers thanked the troops and handed out awards.

It looked like a typical motivational gathering for soldiers of the Jewish state
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 70757Unread post Blue Frost »

Israel's have a lot of racist, and many do not like Christians either.
I knew of a darker Jew who was always looked down on by people around him when in Israel, and talked down at.
Your right though, it would be a lot better if Muslims would try to get along, but I don't see it as they never have unless beaten into the ground by a strong man even by their own.
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Post: # 71639Unread post Gary Oak »

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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 71644Unread post Blue Frost »

It's just sickening what is given to those warmongering murdering scabs, Obama needs to just go live with them, and anyone else that supports them.
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A History Lesson For Palestinians

Post: # 73338Unread post Gary Oak »

Obama naturally doesn't know these facts

US Prepared To Support Palestinians Reimagined Ideas Of History

Read more at ... UYWsJsG.99

The latest claim by Foreign Minister Riad Malki, of the Palestinian Authority, is that the Palestinians will
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 73341Unread post Blue Frost »

Palestinian state, a leftist idea to pacify some sorry people that like to cause trouble.
Yeah some are good people, but they surround themselves with idiocy, and turmoil for little more than a false Idea.
Let them have their state, Jordan is most of what it should be.
The welfare bums of the muddle east thanks to liberal ideas.
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 73347Unread post Gary Oak »

The entire article is very interesting but I do think that this factual of history is always overlooked in the media. After all you wouldn't want to offent all those muslims who hate us even though they want to come here.

So maybe we should just give up on the
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Re: The Poor Little Palestinians

Post: # 73348Unread post Blue Frost »

A lot of the original "Palestinians" was Muslim, and Jews with a few Christians mixed in, but then when the Idea of Jews getting a home many of the undesirables, and unwanted people rushed in.
Many was like day laborers for landlords .
Most the so called good land was bought up by the new Jewish settlers, and from those landlords, and peasants.
It just makes me angry that the name Palestinian even exist, it's of a lie in itself.
"Being alone isn't what hurts. It's when the people around you make you feel alone" ~ Naruto Uzumaki, an Anime Character
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